You wake up one day and your collection is gone... you're starting from scratch. Which yoyos are you picking up first?

Ah old glitch. You should look for the B’22 then. Fantastic re-design.

I thought about this today and wouldn’t have replied if I thought about it first. but I said I would reply so here it is.

You can get many of our models in great colors via the regular store. The almost weekly store drops sell out within minutes.

Patreon is a way for ppl to skip the drop hassle and get a new G2 every month.

I don’t worry about the aftermarket values, but the last 6 months there would have been no issues selling your patreon shipment for retail if you didn’t like it. Aftermarket values are down across the board from the Covid boom. G2 still is at the top for retaining value. Sure solids and glitches drop more over time.

Swirls are mostly sold via lottery back and forth between my newsletter and patreon.

I do not operate like “most” other companies. I have machining in the states and overseas. Majority of the ano is done in the states even on the ones machined overseas. My goal is getting the highest quality product into my customers hands. I’ll go wherever I need to for that. I do assembly, testing, packaging personally. If something bad goes out it’s in me.

G2 isn’t for everyone. But those that it is for really enjoy it and I’m doing my best to continue raising that bar for them.

Feel like I’m feeding the trolls.


Where in the US are your yoyos machined? Do you indicate where the machining was done release-to-release? I’ve tried finding that info in the past and couldn’t find anything.


This is currently the first bullet point for the monthly yo-yo G2 Patron tier:

  • Monthly yoyo shipment. These will never be duplicates, and will cover the different material variations. (AL6, AL7, SS, Brass)

I can see that not appealing to everyone, but it is literally front and center of the value proposition (in the pitch to those who may want to buy in).

Edit to add: Probably track down a Terrarian. Not because it is my all time favorite, but because it was the spark.


I don’t name the shops. I guess I only mention it in videos where they are machined, it’s not really a selling point. But should be listed for those that want to only buy usa machined. Tsunami is the most recent machined there.

FYI for everyone else. Feel free to bring your questions over to this thread. So this collection restart thread can go back on track haha


Not to keep this thread off topic but do you let folks know what’s coming next. I would consider doing a month or two for a respawn or a jackal but I in no way need another v or o shaped unresponsive unless it’s really something special.

I like your stuff and the business but often it’s a tad above my desired budget unless I have a specific target in mind

My answers have changed a little bit since I last wrote this.

G2 AL7 Carbine, One Drop Deep State


If i could only have 5 I would cover all my 1A bases as that’s 99.9% of what I do.

1 - G2 AL7 Life, Has been my go to for well over a year, If I could only have one yoyo it would be this.
2 - Duncan Plastic FH1, Perfect EDC throw.
3 - CLYW AC2, Hands down my favourite CLYW, Ideally in Hulk Smash.
4 - MOWL Nocturnal, Mostly because I love the team and the nocturnal is about as “comp” as I go.
5 - G2 Ti Triton, If your going to splash the cash on Ti you might as well get one of the best.


I don’t own any G2’s but, suddenly have urge to get one.


Are these sold anywhere in the US?

Hades, Klondike, Linear, Brass Valhalla, and Pomelo. That about covers my bases and keeps good variety. These are all really fun yoyos in their own ways.


Hmm. I don’t think they are, unfortunately.

If i were to restart collection id have to start by finding a dark magic 2 to replace the one im borrowing indefinitely from a friend, since he told me i could borrow it and not keep, id owe him for the one i lost in the tornado/fire/atomic bomb or whatever happened to destroy my collection.

Next id invest in a case that could survive an atomic bomb.

Then id look at getting some yoyos.

First id get a deeper state, which is what i started with buying on the forum.

Then g2 respawn lite, full size g2 covenant because i like my mini and would rather have it full size.

Panorama, monarch, then id like at getting the best performing bimetal instead of having a bunch of sub $100 bimetals. Which im not sure which is go with, but i right now my heart wants yyr blur autoscopy lol

But my od draupnir id get again.


First yoyo would be a raw OhYesYo Paradigm Shift cause of how insanely sharp they are as I go hunt down whoever took my yoyo collection


Best company out there for sure


First 5 i’d look to get:

Reticulated Return Tops Death Adder v2
C3 Pory Crash
C3 Omnitron Noah
YoYo Friends Ti Koi

Once I had these replaced, I’d likely not get much else. At least not for a while.

Enjoy the throw my friends


If I woke up one day and my collection was gone, I would just go to one of my other houses and play with the yo-yos I keep there.


PS… there is only one thing crazier than having over 1500 yo-yos>

Keeping them all at the same location…


Id buy a yoyo I dont own yet. Maybe a free solo, recog or diffraction. A solid monometal as a new start


Gary, trust me. Do it.

When you get them double Gs stamped on your heart, people can tell. Does Gary seem happier? Your friends will whisper

My wife called me doable the other day, and at the end of the day, isnt that what we all want?


I think the first yoyos I’d aim to get would be a galaxy diver, grasshopper gtx 2.0, one of the colossus series, a set of loopers (probably loop ups), and an aluminum ringed hybrid of some kind - probably the new speedaholic FX!