You ever have to throw a yo-yo away?

just threw my main (top yo patronus) away because it vibed beyond repair and it hurt me so bad, was wondering if anyone else has had to do the same thing


2 lynn furrys a kickside a Nightmoves 4, and an avenger modded hitman. I still love yyj.


Did it come vibey or did you damage it? I never threw away a yoyo but I did swing two looping yoyos onto the ground repeatedly to intentionally smash them. That was in 2016. I was angry and upset with my lack of decent looping. One was a Duncan Hornet and I think the other was a Loop 360.


nah it was just completely damaged beyond repair and i had to put it down…i was pretty sad ngl


I have only thrown away 2 yo-yos. I have lost a few then found them years later, I have one that is currently lost and I would like to find.

Lost - Yo-Yo Jam, JamBoo it literally vibrated itself apart it had like 13 pieces. I put it in a zip lock bag
“ and then poof it was gone just like that. It’s a story yo-yoers tell their children to keep them quite. Rat on dad about the new yo-yos and all you will get is a JamBoo. Hahaha

#1 throw away throw Daydream
( you know if you have thrown a Daydream )
#2 throw away throw yo-yo factory Alta
I know a lot of people will tell me that was a throw that did not deserved such treatment. In my defense that throw is mean it should have come with a first aid kit. I received 2 deep lacerations from the super powerful stainless rims. So I tried to sell it then after 6 weeks or so being out with no interest, I figured no one would buy it so tossed it. About 1 month later some one hit me up for it on the forum. I should have waited 4 more weeks. So I try very hard to sell, sell cheap, or give away.
Have a great rest of the week everyone


Yes, some kind of cheap promo yoyo that my work gave away. Destroyed the plastic holding the axle somehow. Was not repairable. Ok, maybe it was if I tried a lot better.

You said you threw the yo-yo away because it vibed beyond repair. << >> OK

Then you said ‘It hurt me so bad’. ?

So…. Did you mainly throw the yo-yo away because it was damaged?

Or. Did you trash it because you hurt yourself while playing the yo-yo?

The way your posts ‘reads’, it almost sounds like you were punishing the yo-yo because you clobbered yourself with it?

Did…… you throw the yo-yo in the trash can or did you Wish it into the cornfield?

i meant throwing it away hurt me emotionally