You can only buy / use one yoyo to compete with, what is it?

a prototype yoyo

YYF Will.

I have to try and make my combos longer so the spin dies out. Otherwise, that thing will break my fingers on the bind.


I am bias, and it’s been said a couple times - Kinetic (Motion) is a built performer. So that’s my choice as well


TP Hinemosu if you are a tech player over a speed player.

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Inevitable! Great for tech.

Both the brand and the model name are a nightmare for google search. “Motion kinetic yo-yo” yields way more than a page for Motion yo-yo’s Kinetic. Very confusing.

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Hum… strange - I go to google simply type in “motion YoYo Kinetic” and the first thing that pops up is my YoYo.

I hate you find our branding confusing, I am quite fond of it

for reference


I wouldn’t mind competing with any of these three actually. OD Draupnir (Amazing once the pads break in), AL6 Valhalla from G Squared, or the Edge Beyond


Try “kinetic yo-yo”. If it were a model name like “stupid”; then I could search for “motion yo-yo stupid” and it would go right to the model I am seeking.

Interesting choice…. Thought I’d give something similar a try so I just searched up “yoyogeezer” and “stupid” and links to your posts came up.



Fight fight fight fight fight (but like respectfully)

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YYR or TP. Now model depends on personal preference but I’d say the Prototype BGM from turning point would be my pick.


The Spinworthy Slapnir.

If not that, the YYF Essense would be good.


Can we get a pic of that throw? @Glenacius_K

I will post a picture soon.

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Sorry, missed this.

What is your point? That I have used the word ‘stupid?
Maybe I should re-state: If you do a search on "stupid’ and ‘yoyogeezer’; you get ‘stupid’ results. And only ‘stupid’ manufacturers insult their potential customers.


Hell yea gtr throws are juat awesome i fn agree

Exactly haha thats what i throw now even more then the mighty gtr

I hear its a very popular throw from them looks big too love the weight on TP just a smooth solid powerful yoyo company

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If I was going to compete, I would use a Yoyofactory Miracle.

Because if I had any chance of placing, I would need a Miracle!