You all want to see it...

What does Andre look like with a mustache?

I need to know!

Please post here Andre!


I know!

Andre with a mustache man you guys are easily amused.

Well, it’s a REAL mustache, from movember…THIS IS A BIG THING!

I have to thank you for the chance to reopen GIMP.


Nice. I would also like to see that. It would be like seeing your best friend grow a beard overnight and then being like “Whaaatt?!?!?”

Let me see it… :wink:

In this picture, you can see him in the bottom left. Not very clear, but it’s all I’ve been able to find.

Wait thats andre?

Yup. He’s tagged on Facebook.

WOW he has a gotee

Yup. Crazy stuff.

:slight_smile: He has a bit of a 'stash, and a slightly broader than chin strap beard. The rest of the crew was A+ in the mustache department on Friday, though. Handsome group. Well, the yeti leaves a bit to be desired.
