Yooo what up with the Servers..I'M TALKING TO YOU ANDRE

They aint workin

I for one have no clue what you are talking about and making a post flaming Andre in a topic is pretty stupid in my opinion. First off, if you are/were able to post this thread then OBVIOUSLY something is working, and if you do in fact have a legitimate problem, why not explain a bit as to what this problem involves.

hes right some of them are not working. and the site is lagging alot. whats wrong andre.

Yeah, the site has been crazy slow or me the last few days.

same here

not for me. guess why? bah! i have a mac ;). i’m guessing most of you have PCs? (Pieces-of-Crap) :smiley:

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Uh… This has nothing to do with our computers. I’m on a Mac as well.
When we talk about the server having problems that means it is the site specifically, everything else is lightning fast for me. As usual.

André can fix it, he’s André!

Hey André you so fine, you so fine you blow my mind, Hey André… Hey André…

No, but it has been slow for me recently too.

no iam on a pc and i have no problems LOL :stuck_out_tongue: ;D :wink:

Hopefully it gets fixed and remember everyone don’t be hatin, we should all love each other

He’s not blaming Andre, just asking him what’s wrong and asking how long it should take to get fixed.

It might have been fixed by now. He might not even have had to do anything for all we know.

Yea,this has been happening to me. For some apparent reason when I take my Ethernet cable which is connected to a router, I connect it directly to my modem and the lag seems to stop.

Plan A: Suck it up and deal

Plan B: Andre walks up to the server, and kicks it really, really, hard.

Plan C: We sell all yoyos to buy a really fast server

That is the official The Plan Let us not resort to plan C.


BTW, no problems here, Maybe a bit slower, and I did experience some problems while posting from Ipod, probably irrelevant.

Andre can’t answer that easily, he is really really really busy right now.

Well maybe you guys have a lot of stuff on your computer. I only have like 20 programs on my PC and when I go to YYE, its still blazing fast. I have Pentium 4 BTW.

Again… When we say something is wrong with the server, we are talking about this site specifically…
And really, that shouldn’t come into play in the first place. I have 200GB of just music on my computer, not including everything else, and my internet is as fast as it gets. Just not this site.

you cant just blame andre for that, he has a lot of work on his hands and you just need to learn to respect his work. Imagine that you were andre and you had to work 24 hours a day instead of doing things you love, would you like it? And just to let you know that mine works perfectly.

Some of you guys clearly don’t get what we mean by servers for a site and how the “speed” of your computer works.

The speed of your internet first relies on the connection you have to the internet and whatever sites you try to go to. If you have a bad connection on your end or the server’s end, things will be slow or nonexistent. Then, your processor and memory come into play once you have a good connection. Usually there are scripts or other things that run on the web pages that require certain graphics and RAM abilities, which can cause the internet to be slow, but then it would also slow down your whole computer. The only reason that your hard drive would cause any problems is if you’re at like 96-99% full and try to load bog-down-y sites with not much memory. Other than that, it’s going to be a connection or server problem. In the case of connection problems, all of internet will be slow.

In our case, however, only YYE is being a little slow (not like when he has to totally shut down the servers and we can’t get on at all) but other sites are fine.

(I probably typed something wrong. Just let me know)

And I douby Andre has anything to do with the servers anyway. I am sure they have a techy who does all their server/web construction and managing.

Props to that one.

Among Andres arsenal of skills, I’m not thinking web disigning be one of them.