Yooo what up with the Servers..I'M TALKING TO YOU ANDRE

I wouldn’t put that skill past Andre. I meant he is smart. He’s not just some yoyo junkie. lol

He has an education. Heck. I know some 12 year old kids that can web design with the best of them. Why not andre?

What a ramble that was. lol I’ve had the same trouble. Both on my wifes mac and my poor pathetic pc.

Lol yeah I just typed and that came out. :stuck_out_tongue:

From what information I’ve gathered from talking to him, he does manage the website almost soley. He’s just amazing like that. :stuck_out_tongue:


macs r awsome they r soooooo fast

I’m tired of this PC discrimination. The reason macs are so good is because PCs can be bought with many types of software both very cheap and very expensive. Macs only have very expensive, which is being compared to lower range PCs.

Alienware runs windows… Sooo let us compare AW to Macs, instead of lower range PC to Mac, apple fanboys.

When you are done comparing trivial things let us compare both of those to a upper range Linux machine. I don’t know, how about the SGI Altix.

If you are having issues with the site please email us directly regarding this: Contact@YoYoExpert.com

You need to be specific though instead of just the “site is being slow”.
Is it when accessing the forum?  Is it accessing the store?
These are actually on two separate servers and is important to diagnose things.

I am on the site everyday without any sign of it being slow so this feedback is good - but again better through email.

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