Yomagic's 4th Annual Secret Santa: Ship between 11/21-11/28!!!

If this was on Facebook someone would dip your yoyo in chocolate…

Can’t wait. I have some good stuff to give my person!

Are we gunna ask for stuff this year or nah?

We’ll keep it all a surprise!

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I’m excited…I might die from excitement…Can I mail someone a bomb? :smiley:

…The NSA is coming to toooown…


Probably not your wisest choice of words there …

That package will never get to its intended destination…

I know I was joking LOL



Lol let me join pls

he’s the real Grinch! Don’t do it!

“I am the manderan”

:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :‘( :’( :‘( :’( :‘( :’(

What? I like Iron man 3

Y’all know I’m expecting Clyw or nothing.
I mean, I’m not asking much, just one or two.
A scout prototype at the least guys.


All surprise sounds wonderful to me!

Deal bro I’ll send you my Summit, Wooly, Marmot 2 And Avalanche


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Someone backed out so we need 1 more to fill the spot

I am confused, you criteria says “must ship when I designate shipping times” but also says open shipping?