Yo-Yo shopping

I just wanted to know if the DV888 was a good yo yo before I go waste a lot of my money.

Many people love the dv888 but now you will get more people suggesting other things. Oh, I should mention that rarely, is buying a new yoyo considered a waste of money by any of us here on YYE. ;D

If you know how to bind already and don’t mind undersized, it’s a great choice. If not, that thing could give you nightmares XD


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It was a but of a shock when I got the dv888 and didn’t realize how wide the gap was. You get used to it quickly haha

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Proto… please use either the “reply” button or the “quote” button to post in a thread. Don’t use the “report to moderator” button anymore. :slight_smile:


oh okay srry LOL ::slight_smile:

I’d rather have a Protostar for less.

Eww. No.