I recently received a yo-yo factory damage so here is my review of it .
The price of it is 60 dollars and comes with an unresponsive bearing .
Stability 8/10
This yo-yo is very stable and I never had a problem with its stability while throwing it
Speed 7/10
This yo-yo is very good for speed but there are yo-yos that I recommend over this for speed ( the yo-yo factory ko , or yo-yo factory element )
Overall 7.5/10
I really enjoyed it and I recommend it but there are better yo-yos for the same price or cheaper .
Thanks for writing this up. This throw is on my radar so I am naturally interested. Does the del-ring seem to contribute anything tangible to playing this throw?
I’m not a very experienced thrower, but I really like my Silver/Red Damage. It looks stunning (to me, at least), and its shape is somewhat unique. It’s super smooth and wide enough to be a good choice for practicing stuff that I’m not great at yet, like Eli Hops.
I think it definitely gives the yo-yo a different feel while using it than other yo-yos but doesn’t really make a huge difference with how it performs.