Yo-Yo Companies That Have Come And Gone.

Sadly… SPYY is ending…

Cause they didn’t get paid beforehand? Business is complicated, even more so when it’s international. Go sue an international company and see what happens.

Seems silly to ship out thousands of dollars of product when it hasn’t been paid for. Perhaps that’s why they tanked.

Is the yoyo business seriously operated on fronts?

When you’re operating a multi-million dollar company and shipping product all over the world to large, reputable distributors, it’s not uncommon to have payment terms that allow for your distributors to pay Net 30, Net 60, or longer. Cost of doing business.

Now, my knowledge of the inner workings of Playmaxx isn’t exhaustive, so I don’t know how they handled their international distributors but I’ve been led to believe this was a company they had already worked with several times and as such they had no reason to believe there would be any problems. But when your distributor refuses the shipment at the port, it’s on you to deal with it…fair or not.

Playmaxx did the majority of their business overseas, and were in the process of absolutely crushing Duncan and Yomega outside of the United States, so I wouldn’t write this off as “gee, that was dumb”. They had a lot of experience in export, but it’s a complicated and treacherous business.

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Being over a decade ago its obviously a moot discussion, but Playmaxx was a multi-million dollar company? Or was there a parent company involved pumping money into them?

However large an order, it seems crazy that a couple shipments coming back would run them into the ground.

Hopefully YYF has taken actions to prevent that for when the inevitable bust comes!

I mentioned it… Sorry, I was going off memory here, I thought the CU predated the Shuriken, but I must be completely wrong. My apologies…

You may still be able to buy Playmaxx branded yoyos. I bought a bunch of discounted Bumblebees from Duncan a couple years ago - they arrived with Playmaxx branding. I’m sure I still have a ton of the pogs lying around in a box somewhere.

Yes, forgot about Radiyoactive. First they brought out the Fission. It was a super light, organically shaped yoyo that actually played remarkably well. I have one of the early versions of this, made from a horrid, white chalky plastic. The international release came a few months later and they used a different type of plastic (thankfully!). I think it was one of the first yoyos to come standard with recessed silicone response (this must have been late 2005 / early 2006)? They went on to sponsor a few contests, and even produced the World’s special edition yoyo in 2006. This was a “Fusion”, which was really the same shape as the Fission, just a few minor tweaks and made from a heavier plastic. I still have one of the protos for this lying around. Then there was the Cyclotron. I loved the look of it, the colour and styling worked well together. This was my first full metal. I don’t think there was anything groundbreaking about the design, but it played well enough.

If I remember correctly you’re only infrnging on the patent if you have the metal touching before the plastic. So the metal rimmed ones like the dv8 and rogue infringed but since the ones like the element x had the metal and platic touch the edge at the same time they were good or something along those lines.

Wait, I read earlier in the thread that YYE still has Anti Yo stuff in stock. When I went under the product page, there was nothing. Should I Email them and see if they still have anything?

Seriously, this thread pretty much just caused a huge Whirlpool of chaos.

We all understand what Heath Vizier did. OK? It’s honestly one of the worst ,disgusting, and angering things I’ve heard so far in the world of yoyoing, (besides all my yoyos getting stolen through trade).

But seriously, can we just forget it now? What happened is in the past, just like the Yomega World’s Fiasco back in 2007.

Anyways, I miss Team Losi Yoyos. I tried a Cherry Bomb and liked that yoyo. Anyone else try one? Also tried a Grim Sleeper. I forget how that yoyo played but it was ok as far as I remember.



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Thanks! This is very odd, when I click on the Anti Yo product page, it takes me straight to the Ywet’s individual page, and doesn’t give me the option of anything else. But, when I search for Bapezilla.2 it pops up. Odd.