Yo-yo and Top players with Special Needs kids...

they shouldn’t say no. i think this is great. :wink: good luck

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I’m sure everything will go great! Good luck!

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Okay- so you all know that I had that meeting with the Autism Support Center today about using their facilities for the first Eli Hops event. Well, I am back home from the meeting.




I am now writing up the official proposal to be sent to the Director so both the event coordinators can propose it to her. Both of them told me that there isn’t any worry, however, because they have been waiting for something like this to come along and there is no reason what so ever for me to be denied.

i am going to submit three Sundays, August 14th, 21st, and 28th for the event. Sundays, because there is nothing else happening in the building on that day, and August because I want it to be a big party just before school gets back in and there are no other planned events there to compete with.

So- unless the world explodes, August of 2011 will be the month of the very first annual “Eli Hops - Playing for Hope” fundraiser!

After the date is solidified with the ASC I will be approaching other businesses, local radio, TV news, internet media, Yo-yo blogs and forums, Demo Teams (Yo-yo and other) local schools, and anyone else i can think of to be a part of the event.

It’s happening!


28th is right before my birthday. :wink:

It’s ON!!! IT’S ON IT’S ON!!!

I just received an email saying that the Autism Support Center’s Executive Director gave final approval! It’s official- Eli Hops is a reality and is happening this August. I am having a second meeting with the event coordinators to finalize the date and any other details.

I will post the final date as soon as I have it!


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That’s really awesome! 8)

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of course. y would they not.

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Hey, really wish I could be there, but the combination of being young and living on the west coast makes it a tad hard. Still… I’m really glad you’re doing this, and helping everyone with yoyos. :o

Good Luck!

P.S. Who knew yoyos can be used medically?

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i think i could really kick this off and get a new orleas, louisiana news team some attention to it, a reporter is my neighbor and

It’s a great thing you’re doing Dave!!!

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I support this. I myself am a diabetic yo-yo-er. Funnily enough, My 1 year aniversary of being a diabetic came at my 1 month usage of my DMII. Worst of all i am only 13 so its been a rough road.

Hey- my oldest daughter is 9 and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 2. Its all she knows. She is on an insulin pump and can monitor and control her sugars with only minor or guidance now. I sometimes think its harder on us than it is for her. I guess what I’m trying to say is even though it really really sucks- there’s nothing you can’t handle as long as you stay strong. As you support Eli Hops, so too shall I support you. If you ever have any questions or need advice about your diabetes please feel free to fire me off a message and I will do my best to help out. I wont give any real medical advice obviously but I can share my experience and knowledge as best I can. Yo-yo players tend to watch out for eachother and more so when they share a common trait outside of throwing. Be strong man- don’t let it drag you down.

Personally, I don’t trust my parents for advice… Also I was on a pump since October. Lastly, I am in a study to extend the pre-pancreotic failure period. It’s how I pay for my yoyos :smiley: 50 bucks a visit and helping the world at the same time. Also you might notice my Insulin pump cord if you take a look at some of my youtube vids. Whoops forgot another thing. I do karate as well. Try hard exercise and add diabetes to the mix… been at it for about a decade now. Almost a black belt. and one more thing I managed to forget, If you dont notice the pump, you will sometimes see my dogtag

Hey guys,

So today is the second meeting with ARC ( http://www.ne-arc.org/ ) and ASC ( http://www.ne-arcautismsupportcenter.org/ ) to determine the final date for the very first Eli Hops EVENT! I guarantee that as soon as I am out of that meeting I will be furiously updating on all fronts from my Droid phone!

Now that I am getting the date finalized I am going to start getting more and more businesses to join up. I now feel comfortable in announcing that YoYoExpert.com has already agreed to be at the event as a selling business and a sponsor as well! I will be sending emails to all the major yo-yo and skill toy manufacturers, local toy stores, online skill toy stores, local sport shops, local art galleries, local music shops, dance shops, and anyone else I can think of who is a business and would like to be a part of Eli Hops and what it stands for.

I also will be getting back in touch with some of you modders/smaller business guys who have already made mention of helping out with Eli Hops.

Are you an amateur modder or a yo-yo painter who would like to get some of your stuff noticed in the skill toy community? Already an established modder who has a big heart or your life has been touched by a special kid? Do you simply have a few skill toys kicking around your collection that you don’t use or have grown beyond and want to help change the world? I want to hear from you. I am prepared to send any documentation you may want (tax purposes, etc.) and I am planning on putting up and printing ads for the businesses/individuals who donate from far away but can be reached by online customers.

Eli Hops will be an event open to everyone, and we expect to see many different demographics attend. Exposure for the cause will be enormous, as well as for any “sponsors” who will be involved. We will change the world for the better!


“Play for Hope”


Biggest update EVER!

We have the date! They very first Eli Hops event will be Sunday August 14th at the Northeast Arc Autism Support Center in Danvers, MA! Set the date aside because it is going to be amazing! Imagine your favorite skill toys all in one place- no shipping- no 3 to 5 day wait! Instantly get the item AND help out a great cause! There’s gonna be music and artwork, martial arts demonstrations and dancers, professional skill toy demonstrations and everyone will be encouraged to have a yo-yo or top or paddle ball in hand and having fun! Its going to be so much fun in a judgement free, open minded, family friendly, “doin it for a good cause” zone!

More details to come!


Thats great! Glad to see you got an event set up, let us know how it works out.

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Hey guys,

I have made an official thread for Eli Hops. There and on Redirecting... will have all the latest news and updates!


So, today is the big day! I started this crazy journey back in October of '10 and it has been a crazy ride.

This whole thing started out as a crazy idea I shared with some of my yo-yo buddies on a forum. It grew from me thinking about doing a one man show for special needs kids into a huge fair/expo/variety show to raise money and teach awareness at the simplest and most primal of levels- the level of fun!

I wont lie, I am nervous. I am anxious, but moreover I am excited! This thing is going to be a blast and I hope that’s all of you will come and share that with me!

Thanks to the Lovers, the Dreamers, and You! ~the Muppet Movie

Sunday, August 14th from 11am to 2pm

What do you get when you put André Boulay, Eli Bailin, Daniel Deitz, Jeff Coons, and Brett “Ooch” Ouchcunis all in the same room? The very first Eli Hops Fundraising Event!

It went amazingly! Ooch’s show was hilarious and the kids and adults ate it up! There were so many kids there from all developmental stages all buying yo-yos and getting lessons from volunteers and pros alike!

At one point during the event, for maybe 15 seconds, all I could hear was the whirring of lots of bearings and in that brief period I could feel the common sense of fun and accomplishment that was filling the building. I almost cried it was such a beautiful moment.

Today lots of kids found a healthy, coordination building, brain developing and never-ending source of fun for the rest of their lives. Today kids with Autism played right along side typical kids and nobody felt different or strange. No one was left out or picked last. Everyone was on the exact same level and laughing and talking and sharing tricks and not caring about “who has/is what” and just being kids.

That’s why I started this whole nutty endeavor and man oh man was it worth it!

Huge thanks to Brett “Ooch” Ouchcunis (www.oochworld.com), Fiske and Herrera (www.fiskeandherrera.com), André Boulay and YoYoExpert.com, Lil Lila Rose Jewelry (www.etsy.com/shop/taliaz), and Nick Kessler for being there with their products and fantastic attitudes making the event so awesome!

Big thanks to John Higby (www.yoyoshow.com), Justin Ruggles, Jason Mooers, Myachi Handsacks (www.Myachi.com), Josh’s Toys and Games and Eli Bailin (www.newburyporthalfmarathon.com) for all the awesome donations making our Raffles and snack table a roaring success!

Thanks to the volunteers and the pros who showed up and helped everyone learn and have a blast while doing it! You guys are so cool!

I also want to say a super extra special thank you from the bottom of my heart to Bri my wife (www.yourhandsinmine.wordpress.com) for supporting me, believing in me, pushing me, and loving me throughout this whole process. This event would not have happened if it wasn’t for your help and encouragement (and baked goods) and I love you with every fiber of my being, forever! And EVER!

Now I start planning for next year!

Who wants in?

Dave Herrera
Eli Hops founder
“Play for Hope”