Yo-yo and Top players with Special Needs kids...

That is a Sweet Logo!

Hey people!


I have sent info to a possible venue for the first Eli Hops event/fundraiser. I will let you know when I know more!

I am still looking for volunteers for the event. Not just yo-yos… top players and Frisbee and sports too! Musicians and artists who want to show off their stuff! Dancers and martial artists who like to demonstrate are welcome! People who just want to help out in any way… please pm me!

Thanks guys!

Hey guys! Quick update- Eli Hops now has its own email and will hopefully by the end of today have a twitter and Facebook account! The website is in its mid-stages and will be done soon! If you want the email address please pm me and I will happily give it to you!

Still waiting to hear back from my emails I sent out but I’m hoping it will be soon!

I PM’d you Dave about see the show/ demonstrating.

Quick update: a question really- do you live in MA or NH and have a highschool gymnasium near a major city (within a half hour) that we could do the Eli Hops event in? Mr. Boulay made that suggestion to me and its brilliant. I am going to start emailing and calling schools right away so suggestions are welcomed!

Still taking volunteers for this years event! All talents are wanted!

Boston Latin School has 2 gyms.

I wish I could help more, but I live no where near the East coast. :frowning: Sounds like you are making good progress and I hope you can find plenty of people who can help more directly with the event! Keep the updates coming!

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Last night Jud, the other voice of Eli Hops in the southern part of the country, was hit by a car while riding his motorcycle. His skull was cracked and on cap was crushed and he has swelling on the brain. The doctors say he should make a full recovery with time. Please keep Jud in your thoughts for a speedy recovery!

To PM Jud to wish him well;


Hey guys.

Wanted to let you all know that Jud is doing well and we appreciate all the good vibes you guys sent his way!

UPDATE: can’t say yet what-if but we’ve had a MAJOR good thing happen just recently that ensures the first Eli Hops event will happen this year. I am waiting to hear back from several places for the event so we will (crosses fingers) have a date soon! Still looking for volunteers! Email us at elihopsforhope@gmail.com


ur a good man…

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Hey guys and gals,
Quick update;


That’s the new Facebook account… its still a Tad undeveloped but go on and friend us! Woo!! Second I may have a lead on a place (finally) for our first event for this summer. We are still taking anyone who wants to volunteer to do pretty much anything!


Hope to hear from all of you!

Dave and Jud

Good idea! I invited lots of people. :wink:

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dave my yoyo cad is almost done and ill be sure to give u the yoyo its called the M4 the first yoyo in the M series its based of the spyy stryker

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Dude that is massively cool

Hey guys!

We had a local artist donate some amazing artwork to Eli Hops to display and sell at the first event! I’m very excited!

Are there any artists out there who would like to create artwork to showcase at Eli Hops? PM me or contact us through facebook ( Redirecting... ) if you want to be a part of the greatest fundraising organization ever! (you know, cause we use yo-yo’s)

Dave and Jud

This video was made by a Tennessee native who knew he couldn’t come to a northeast event and wanted to be involved.

I wept when I watched this video. He managed to emote a sense of hope and simple pleasure for the future in a yo-yo video without seeming cheesy. I am touched. He is a talented player and videographer with a heart as big as the world.

Thanks for posting my video around the forums, this was actually the one I forgot to post it on  :-X Anyways, again, no problem.

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AAAAHHH!!! okay BIG UPDATE people!

I just got off the phone with Ms. Castillo of the ARC Autism Support Center of Dancers, MA (just north of Boston). ARC is a HUGE local provider for care and support for autistic kids and there families here in the Northeast. Ms. Castillo is one of the project coordinators there.

They LOVE Eli Hops! I have a meeting with them in one week (the third of Feb) about writing up a proposal to submit to not only use the facilities for the event itself but also about them advertising and supporting the event ANNUALLY!

I am so excited I may just hyperventilate!

So this week I need to get my ducks in a row for the meeting, getting any and all info I can for these people in one place and they are going to help me frame up the proposal for the fundraiser to give to the big bosses for final approval.

So unless you specifically ask me not to- I will be pulling quotes from the forums and the facebook telling all of your inspirational stories for these people. If you want to be a part of the event in any fashion PLEASE message or post who you are (first name and last initial ONLY please) and what you want to do (donate, come and help, tell your friends, etc).

This is it! If we get these people on board with Eli Hops it is a one hundred percent GO!

Any Yo-yo/Top/Juggling professionals out there who are friends or are following the threads PLEASE just say who you are and what you do and say you support Eli Hops.

Once I get the spot I will be approaching News outlets, all the yo-yo manufacturers, teams out there, local businesses.

On a personal note- I hope Boston local Jeff Coons can be involved in some manner because it was him that got me yo-yoing in the modern fashion a few years back. I met him doing a demo at the Museum of Science with Duncan while I was chaperoning my daughters field trip. In a round about way- Eli Hops wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for him. Thanks Jeff!


P.S. send me good vibes next week!!! I will need all the good mojo I can get!

My name is Matt Warren, I yo-yo, and I support Eli Hops! :wink:

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Tomorrow is the meeting at the ARC Autism Support Center about using their facilities for the very first Eli Hops event. I won’t lie, I am a tad nervous about it. I have faith that the idea of Eli Hops is such a good one that they will have trouble saying no to it. Even if they do, it won’t stop Eli Hops. I will do what I have to to make sure it happens.

Send me your good thoughts at noon US EST. Lets get this this going!


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