Yo Elements

I’ve been thinking about breaking this down into different divisions and styles when I have the time. Only problem is there’s gonna be some overlap.

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I got bored today and cleaned it up a bit. Should probably spend more time actually throwing :smiley:


Kink mount maybe. I’m not that good at using it, but it’s fun.

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What about the pac man mount?

Thank you so much for taking the time to make this! This is exactly what I needed to get back into the groove of things and start working on some new tricks :+1:

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I had it up before… I must have accidentally cut it out when I was cleaning up earlier. Re-added!

I’d say it’s more of a picture trick than a mount… then again, we might be getting into some metaphysical territory debating what classifies a mount.


Ladder mount, but I only do “Bevis Climbs the ladder”. Other than that I’ve got nothing.

Kink mount has room for exploration though, I’ve seen it in combos, and impressed how it was integrated.

I think Ladders are more of a picture trick than a mount too lol. I didn’t realize how many picture tricks there were. Anyway, I’m trying to keep this thing as generalized as possible so it doesn’t get too cluttered.

Check out this tutorial. He goes from tower to ladder to Pac-Man to double GT to GT. Crazy. I guess GT’s are technically picture tricks too.


A partial 1.5 where the string hangs over your finger, but you don’t complete the 1.5. I call it the “hanging L” for reference. I don’t think it has a name, but it seems to fit the criteria of a mount. There ar a few things to do from there, including triangles.No II wouldn’t include it either :wink:

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Update bump. See top of thread for details

Might want to put branding into elements since people can add that into almost any trick with a 1.5

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How about injections?


I didn’t even know that was a thing. See, that’s why I started this!


I’ve only seen a few tricks myself, but I’m sure there are more. Side note: this tutorial also put me on to Ahmad’s freestyle which I highly recommend watching the full thing.


What is a yoyo “hug”? I tried googling it but all I found was videos of kids hugging a toy monkey. :no_mouth: Also looking at all these elements laid-out like this makes it clear what I should work on more and is super helpful so thank you!

Final thought—what about dismounts? They deserve a shout out at least.

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I’m glad someone’s getting some use out of it!

I don’t even remember where I heard the term, but I thought a “hug” is when you have one hand pointed in toward yourself and the other pointing out, so it kinda looks like you’re giving a hug.

The trick Letter A is a good example of this:

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Anything I can do to enter a deeper state of yo. Thank you I generalized that to just weaving but hug is much better.

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Bumping because boredom