YES!!!!!! Jensen won!!!!!

Haters gonna hate.

Hey im not a jensen kimmitt hater. He’s one of my favorite players, but i dont go around posting all bolds OOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH JENSEN WON YAY…etc… Don’t get me wrong im a hater of fanboys. :-\

No one thought that Mickey would get second.

why, plastics are just as good as some metals, he knows how to play great with any yoyo

Why do you say so?

a lot of the time he spent binding… he could have scored another 40 points.

Wow… 40 eyh…

The binds were to build drama, and to time it with the song, however, I think he planned that.

Got it, Sorry bout’ that.

u see him hatin. you trollin

i agree!! i was there!!!

but still, he could have fit in another 2 tricks or so and still time it right. and he still won so that is the part that showes how good he is