Would you consider these B grade?

Now, to clarify, I’m not confused. These Buttons are in fact A grade.

The thing is, people will see those black spots, (which are simpleythe epoxy that adheres each layer of the wood when they make it) and consider it a blemish or faulty.

Now, if you the customer, feel that it is, then I will have to B grade them, thus rendering them useless as a part if a run.

Both play perfectly well.

Poll time.

  • I consider these B grade
  • I consider these A grade
0 voters

I think some might not prefer it and some may prefer it? Hard to say, I guess the poll will tell us.

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Bgrade for anno. Paint cups yellow and it’s A grade again.


I say b-grade but if you put a disclaimer that a-grades may come like that its fine. As a consumer, as long as its communicated what I’m buying I have no issues


You could go the “Artisinal” route like YYF back with the Kapital

I think its become clear that I should at least not include the spectra in the run if it deters some.

Just put your logo right over the mark. I think that would look pretty cool.


Having the choice I would pick the one without the spot, so I guess this means I would consider the ones with it b grades

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If you tell me it’s A then it’s A. I’ll take your word for it like I always do.


What is an A and what appears as an A are different things to the yoyo community. And I think thats fair enough.

These look like B grades, and if it looks like a B grade, unfortunately, it is.


DD sold the dyed hybrids as artist grade essentially b grades. I didn’t mind that at all.

Personally with wood if you never said anything I would never know it’s A if the maker says it’s A. With that said I appreciate the concern and thought about that from your end @Glenacius_K

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If you consider them B grades, I will totally buy one direct at A grade pricing still :joy:


I waas going to put them up on the BST.


This here, 100%


I feel the same way. If it’s just a natural outcome of using a specific type of wood and adhesive then that’s fine.


I’d say…… Termite grade.

Glen, send me your address, I have something for you🤓


I think you got buyers Glen


I am surprised that anyone would honestly consider this A-grade given the aesthetic flaws. Seems to be some bias at play here.

My question would be why even bother with definitions? This is handcrafted and some aesthetic flaws are natural, just like some vibe is to be expected given wood densities.


it’s a wooden yoyo…not an aluminum one. there’s no “B grade for anno” with wood because it’s not anodized. wood, being a naturally occurring material will have some level of defect/anomaly inherent to the substance. add to this that you are a one-man show in terms of manufacturing/production and i’d say it just adds to the unique character of the throw. if the play is 100% A grade without question then they’re A grade throws. a wooden fixed axle throw cannot and should not be graded the same way as a machined metal throw in terms of color/appearance. it’s just not possible to get multiple wooden objects to look exactly the same consistently. A grade all day. FWIW, those buttons look pretty sweet.

enjoy the throw my friends


It’s wood and if Glenn hadn’t pointed it out I would have assume that was intentional or inevitable due to how it’s made.