would anyone be interested if.....

…I made a run of counterweights that were extremely close to nicks balls?
they would be delrin
25mm (2’’)
with a 1/4’’ hole

im pretty sure that that is the size of a nicks ball

i have another question
how do nicks balls play? are they the right weight?

Thanks guys all intput is wonderful ;D

I’m not sure how they play, ask Tyler3490.

But I would definitely buy them! MAKE THEM NOW!!! Lol, seriously, I would totally buy those.

I would love one thats 20 mm, just a bit bigger than duncan dice. I was thinking of doing the same thing.

maybe check with nick before you do it, just make sure its okay with him (its just polite you dont have to ask if you dont want to)

and mongoriller i do like them but they are a teeny tiny bit smaller than a duncan die and i dont like it that small, but i guess if you do alot of tech 5a thats a good thing. they are the same weight as a red duncan bouncy ball (blue is the lightest, red is medium weight, yellow is the heaviest)

one thing i would do if you made a run would be to sand the edges of the holes after theyre drilled, on both the nicks balls i have the edge of the hole started to cut the string so i sanded the edge and its fine now.

ok good to know so far (keep thoughts comin)
and idk what your talking about being smaller…i saw a comparison pic of a nicks balls and a blue die and (already knowing that a die is 20mm) i saw that the nicks balls were about 5 mm taller…
and i was thinking about sanding the holes ;D

hmmm just looked at it next to a die and youre right, but they do feel small probably because there a sphere rather than a cube.

How much would they sell for do you think?

Not quite sure yet

I’d by some!

if they aren’t heavy, and soft, i aint buying.

i might buy if thay are at a decent price

Possibly. Last time I made one it was too heavy for my yoyo.