Worst Yoyo Related Accidents

What are some of the worst yoyo accidents in the history of Yo-Yos? Tell us

I was middle school so a while back, but I was at my friends house leaning some tricks and got a knot and didn’t know. I threw my Yoyo as hard as I could and it swung around and hit my in my temple and knocked my out cold and fell over his couch took 15 mins for me to gain conscious.


That’s terrible! Did you need to go to the hospital?

No lol just took some Advil and went on my way

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I think you win unless someone has had a yoyo-induced concussion.

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IFirst Draupnir I got I picked it up at the post office at the way to work. Got to my office and opened it, showing it to my best friend. He said “Give it a spin!”

I said ok and let her fly.

String was about 6 inches longer than I expected. It hit the floor, richocheted and hit our whiteboard, bounced off and slammed into my friend’s microscope. “pop, BANG, POW!”

We were literally hunched down with our hands over our heads like someone was shooting st us.

I thought, “Well, I’ve ruined a $250 YoYo and a $9,000 microscope in one go.”

Amazingly, neither had a scratch on them.


My baby sister(9) was in town last weekend. I have given her a few plastic yoyos in the past and she shows interest in learning how to yoyo. I gave her my YYF Confusion GT. Got a text from my mom saying she came home from summer camp with a black eye. Apparently she snuck her confusion to camp with her and was showing off. She tried to run before she knew how to walk. :rofl::joy::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I hit a 6 year old in the head with my yoyo when I was showing a group of kids some tricks.


Wow… How did the parents react?

I was a teacher at that school and so was the kids dad.

He thought it was funny when I told him.


Whoah I never knew you were a teacher

And wow… Clearly some people have a better sense of humor than others

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