World's Highest Eli Hop? [Picture]

So I’ve got stuck in one of those Wikipedia rabbit holes where you end up learning tonnes about a random subject. You know how it is…

Anyways, I was looking up all things ‘Worlds Tallest Mountains’ when I stumbled across this picture of someone doing what appears to be an Eli Hop on the summit of a Himalayan mountain that he labels ‘Thorung Peak’ (which I suspect he means Thorong La since google came up with nothing).

Epic, is it not?

Needless to say I was NOT expecting to end up coming across yoyos when reading about mountains, but I guess this just shows that no matter where you go… you just can’t escape them.  :stuck_out_tongue:


Well, for all we know he could have missed it.

That’s crazy. The blog post has nothing to do with yoyos. I guess ya never know where they’ll show up.

You don’t choose yoyos, yoyos choose you.

Pretty cool

Brrrrr. Chilly yoyo. Don’t put your tongue on it! ;D

Looks like an old yoyojam? that hub looks translucent, or just very shiny I guess.

That’s an awesome photo! Guess I’m not the only one wondering what yoyo he chose to bring to the top of a mountain