Wooly Marmot Contest!


making a marmot right now :smiley:

Just finished a Skiing one, I’ll post pic later. :slight_smile:

Mountie marmot FTW

Dude how do I put in photos?

I made a pirate marmot. Itz so kick ass! but i used sharpie and i haven’t scanned it so no lookies

what do u use to make these???

Some people use photoshop, or some kind of editing software. I use paint.

Just finished a Snowboarding one! Making a Karate and Police one soon.

Just made a Police one! Making at least 5 others today!

can you post some, because i really want to see some of them. i am only submitting my nerdy one.

Heres some I havn’t shown.

Pizza Marmot

Skiing Marmot

Snowboarding Marmot

Chef Marmot

Police Marmot

My Zach Gormley Marmot. ( a work in progress)

Its Sept. 8th! 2 days till dead line!

One of these will be the winner marmot.

what u guys use for drawing them?

Paint.net, google it, then instal it.

Improved Future Warrior MARMOT!!! Yeah I just colored it…

Thanks yoyoz1, I was hoping to make 4 others but the seen somewhat hard. Like Cole from the ps3 game Infamous, I felt like his clothing had too much detail. And the others seemed hard as well, I hope I win.

anyone know when they announce the winner? today is the day you can submit last ???

Who won? What is the winner marmot?

Hey is still working on putting all the Marmot together and picking his favorite.

Quote from Chris:

Here is the Photobucket: