Wooly Marmot Contest!

nice like the future one, kei

oops didnt mean to thank you

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CLYW Back In Black (and white) Marmot

Here is my finalized version of the Great White Marmot :3

Loljawscopy xD


B/W Outline


You just ripped artwork. That left arm was a part of Zomby marmot.

I don’t know if that’s not allowed here, but, it’s definitely against the law.



The furry part. It was ripped.


What’s with everyone and Paint? You know GIMP and paint.net are free, and they’re both exceptional Graphics programs.

Yes I know that those are free but on Windows 7 the Paint is more powerful that it ever was so you can do pretty better things without having a lot of trouble.

Altough I believe that Photoshop and Illustrator FTW :slight_smile:

I have Paint.net and Photoshop, Paint.net is so much easier for a job like this, and Windows 7 Paint is not better.

this was a question chris from CLYW answered

"Oh and for the arm … there is an arm on the boxart. “Plus there might be some images floating around of him with an arm.”

i took zombie marmots arm read the comments :slight_smile:

[size=10pt]Gnarly Marmot[/size]

I was comparing the Windows 7 Paint with the other Windows Paints :slight_smile: ! In that perspective it’s better for sure. Comparing it with the rest of the available applications, no it’s not :slight_smile:

Man, all of you guys have AMAZING Marmots… I’m thinking about sketching one out and taking a pic of it. Don’t know what it should look like though. Oh and I made a Gamer Marmot, you like?

Gamer Marmot:

I asked my brother witch one I should do next, but He started talking about some game so thats where I got this idea. And of cousre I had to make a Activion Tee sence my mom works there, and the hat is a Bungie logo.

All of your guys Marmots are awesome looking and cool. I wish I was that good at making Marmots, lol.

This is were bad marmots go:

Devil Marmot:

sick nasty!!!

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I have paint.net, how do I make the arms?
