Broke through my first string today since taking up fixed-axle play anew (ie. since getting my TMBRs). Was on my way for coffee, and luckily it broke in the hallways instead of outside in the slushy salty snow.
Two tannish disks of many shades.
A faint whir and a meaty “thwack”
Distant odors of paper and trees
The dry taste of concetration filling your mouth
Rough grain, sharp edges, and satisfaction
I have been holding off on some of these new wood yo-yos, but that looks too good to pass up, I have one
on the way.
The 3-in-1 was the first high end yo-yo I ever got … I feel so old now…anyways, yeah, that looks
too cool to pass up.
I was very excited about the new No Jive initially, but I think it looks a little too weird and updated. I prefer the etched wood look. No, I’ll never be happy.
Just ordered the 3-in-1 Optic Star. Figured I'd buy it because A:wood is good, B:one hardly ever sees a brand new no-jive, C: It's been one of my dream yoyos and D: I felt like it.
I just ordered my first wood, the No-Jive Optic Star! I was wondering, what are some other good yo-yo brands that sell wood throws besides Tom Kuhn and TMBR?
Just discovered enough scrap white limba lying around (from a half-abandoned electric guitar build) to make a yoyo with! Wish I had a bandsaw to resaw it (it’s a thick piece), mainly so I don’t lose any material (if I half it, there will BARELY be enough; if I mess it up, it’s ruined forever!). However, I think my table saw should suffice as long as I’m really careful to square up my fence.
Can we spend a moment to swap Spirit Bomb techniques? I find that if I try to power through without stopping and keep the strings tight, I am more likely to lose momentum. On the other hand, if I pause after the first pop, I can usually get through the second without losing steam. From a friction standpoint, going quickly with tight strings should be the preferred method. I’ve been doing this trick on metal yoyos for years and have no problems with a bearing, but I’m lucky to land it 1 out of 6 tries with my Eh. The Lovejoy seems to be a bit better and my shimmed No Jives are much easier, however, I wont be satisfied until I can do it on everything. Sigh.