Wood + Glue + Pants Pocket = 2pc Yoyo

I certainly never said nor suggested that users are to blame for TMBR’s coming apart during regular play. I’ve spent a considerable amount of time tweaking them and none of mine have persistent issues, but that doesn’t mean I’m an expert or anyone else is doing anything wrong.

I set mine up with the caps flush to the flat side of the yo-yo half, so the cap has maximum threading engaged. The caps I find can be fairly loose in the half (edit: on some halves/caps I can hear a light rattle when shaken) but when I tighten them up, no part of the assembly is loose or mobile. I start by screwing in the cap and the axle on one half, getting the axle/string gap flush to the half, and and using a coin to tighten the two together so that they won’t move. Then I screw on the other half, get the gap right, and tighten the cap. Generally I just need to use my thumbnails in opposition, but I can use coins to get a bit more twist. I’ll put as much into a little vid in a bit, but that’s the method I use.

Again, not saying anyone “just doesn’t know what they’re talking about” or that this phenomenon demonstrates user error vs design flaw. JUST saying this is not a persistent problem for me, and hasn’t been since we started using this axle setup with the 2014 eH.

Edit edit: Here’s how I do it.