WM or Sasquatch or oxy 5

Hey guys

which yoyo do you like more;
the CLYW Wooly Marmot or the Sasquatch or the Oxygene oxy5?

For sure SASQUATCH I’ve tried the prototype i’ve got the original and I personally know Alex Berenguel! The sasquatch is AMAZING!!! :slight_smile:

Id prefer the Gnarwhal to those, and I own a Sasquatch, Wooly and Gnarwal, and I think,

Sasquatch is my favorite full size, weighty but fast, super fun and a great spin times. STABLE!
Gnarwhal, super speedy and fun mid-sized yoyo, really manueverable and floaty, but maintains great sleep times from its shape.
Wooly is FAST and floaty, so much fun, but it is less stable and sleeps less then the Gnar and Sas.

Sasquatch! Haven’t tried the others, but I can tell you that you definitely will not be disappointed by the sasquatch.

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