JUST KIDDING! It realy isnt the yoyo that makes sucides hard, pretty much any unresponsive(even reponsive) yoyo should do. sSpecific types of poly strings and nylon strings do better with slacks,whips, lacerations and suicides.
I don’t have issues doing suicides… my tip is that you roll the yoyo (swing) toward ur TH (throw hand) while in trapeze and don’t let go of the trapeze (or don’t drop ur non throw hand or start the suicide) until the yoyo swings (rolls) under your TH and over to the right side your TH hand and actually comes up high enough to the same level as your TH (at this point the yoyo is to the right of your TH). And you are still holding on to the trapeze.
You let go of the trapeze (NTH) right when the yoyo is about to go up over your TH. As the yoyo goes over your TH, and you let go of the trapeze … you would have created a huge loop following the yoyo. now you have to catch it… the longer you wait to catch the suicide the shorter the loop gets.
As others mentioned few other things help is tension, just don’t let it be too tight… do the tension test and make sure your string is tension free. actually opening up the loop with your fingers on your NTH helps the loop stay big as it comes around.
I don’t use the “opening up the loops with your NTH” but its good to use in the beginning.
Also even if you miss the loop when it comes around, just catch it with your hands, so that you can get a feel of where the loop lands and how big it is … maybe you can adjust where you catch if the loop is really small.
If the loop is small then you are catching it too late, not that you can’t catch because you can … its just harder.
The high wall makes it super hard for the loop to form. It is much easier with anthying that has a lower wall than the DM2. Something lighter would help too. I wasn’t saying you need a different yoyo, though.
“Super hard”? “Incredibly hard”? The walls are negligible. This is not some off axis trick. If the walls play any role, you have to be doing it very sloppily in which case the role of the walls is still minuscule. It’s the movement of the TH relative to the yo-yo that forms the loop. Agreed, you don’t need a different yo-yo, and I think the role of the walls is much, much smaller than you think.
The wall of a yoyo really has very little to do with the look on a suicide. A grippy response system can have some effect, particularly starburst response (though starburst is rather outdated),but the effect is rather small.
Thicker strings tend to move faster, which can help on suicides, as the loop is able to form more properly. Further, a tightly twisted, stiffer string can help the loop open up quite a lot.
However, the most important thing to consider is the tension of the string. Even a little positive or negative tension can make the loop much, much harder to catch.
Suicide is a simple trick that had a surprising amount of skill behind it. Keep practicing, you’ll get better.
Use good (thicker) string with 0 tension. I like Fat Kitty string. If you do a reverse flip before throwing the suicide you will have more rotational momentum, which makes them much easier in my opinion. Lightly pulling on the string when the yoyo is in the air will also open the loop up a bit more. Try spreading your fingers out when catching it. This will give you 4 chances to catch it instead of 1. Also, when practicing them, don’t just do a few and move on. Dedicate a a good chunk of time to doing nothing but suicides. This well make you much more consistent and before you know it, you wont have to practice them at all. Once you get the basic suicide down, there are tons and tons of variations you can do. Just wait until you try to learn chopsticks suicides, they are such a pain.
As I Incorporated suicides into my combos quite frequently, I’ve learned a few things.
Keep your string tension neutralized. You don’t want the loop twisting up.
Concave bearings don’t make a difference. Its a myth.
Highwalls vs low walls don’t matter. Also a myth.
It’s all in the technique… and the string. If you have good technique: let the yoyo lead. Also, it doesn’t hurt to open the loop a little. Stiffer strings also go a long ways.
Could you give me some explanation regarding this? My brain is trying to push away the idea that the bearing does not matter since I can open up the walls one my flat bearings a lot better than the ones with concave. Tried interchanging yoyos and bearings as well.
I also seem to believe that those with a wider response pad or sticker open up my suicides better compared to those with thinner responses.
Regarding the high wall and low wall, I do not know.
Please don’t ask me for an explanation, sorry I have been searching and I cannot find one and I do not have one, I just based these on my tests.
I can hit them with any yoyo, so the yoyo doesn’t really factor in. The string on the other hand factors in greatly. I suggest Gstring or Twisted for learning suicides, and also one thing that helped me learn suicide was instead of catching my finger in the loop, I just grabbed all the loop with my whole hand.
For your bearing testing and results, I think you’re probably looking at too small a sample and your mind sees correlations that are not really there. There are so many variables. In your head you know which bearing is in there, which biases you. Whichever bearing you try first becomes “practice” for the next bearing. Or the opposite, you get tired and do worse on the second bearing you try. If you compare 10x vs. 10x, it’s way too small. For example, one could easily land 1/10 and then 6/10 for the same bearing. You can also get in and out of a rhythm at any time.
The better question to ask is for someone to try to objectively explain why walls, response, or bearing would make any significant difference. If the motion of TH relative to the yo-yo is what opens a big loop (I hope we all agree), why would these minor differences near the bearing affect the huge loop away from the bearing? Yes, they might do something, but the technique really determines the results and everything else is lost in the noise.
Our goal should be that we can land it on any unresponsive yo-yo. Your skill should take these yo-yo variables out of the equation. Play around with string options if you’d like. Good luck everyone, you’ll get it!
Okay not that this is anything definitive, but my new yoyo just came and my suicides are a decent bit easier. This could also just be that I’m playing none stop since I got it and its just the result of extra practice lol
No its not as much the yoyo as it is you and your technique, and make sure your string has no tension, so it doesn’t loop. Something that helps me do suicides is to when i throw the string under my hand is to let my hand go halfway under my throw hand and it makes a bigger loop, but no, unless your using a responsive, then its all about you, not the yoyo.