Will black RTV gasket maker work?

I keep hearing red works, but what about black? Is it different?

Whatever I’m gonna try

That’s the spirit!

It’s just a different color.

Warning, all of the Gasket makers leave colored streaks on the string.

This has never happened to me…

Different colors have different properties, heat capacity or level of water resistance. At very worst it could be removed and reapplied.

I’ve tried pretty much every color of gasket maker, and I dislike the black one the most. Black Gasket Maker loses it’s response fairly quickly, so binds slip a bit more. If you like your yoyos less grippy, then go for black. Also, it’s very hard to remove, since black gasket maker is much more tough. Bright side is black gasket maker wears down evenly, doesn’t rip or come out in chunks. And yes, after some time, the black pigment can rub off on your string.

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color is probably the least important factor in choosing silicone. first thing you should look at is temperature ratings and the brand. as i posted here , some just won’t work. you either test it yourself or buy something that has been tested by others (like stuff from permatex).

anyhow, the worst that could happen is your bearing getting jammed, nothing a little acetone can’t cure.

Lol whatever it worked fine. And it’s cheap. I’m not too picky.