Only because it almost rolled down a storm drain
I felt bad about the wood floor in my new house the first time it got dinged. Want to know what dinged it?
I hit the floor once with a DV888. needed a new floor.
Haha, yeah, the Roadrunner hit the floor once or twice and didn’t seem any worse for it. I thought the anodizing got rubbed off at first, but I realized it was just the vinyl flooring that got rubbed onto the yoyo.
What ?
a yoyo
I came home on my lunch break one time to get a new yoyo from the mail. Couldn’t resist giving it a go. Went to snap start/ bind and the bind slipped, yoyo clipped my belt buckle. Dinged it without ever having thrown it
Can confirm this. Id say about 80% of my collection has at least one small ding. There is just something about a pristine yoyo that using it kind of puts a pressure on you to keep it perfect. One tiny ding and the pressure is off. Nowadays im only disappointed if the throw develops vibe because of the hit. Out of almost 100 yoyos, this has only really happened to me 2 or 3 times. Unless you are a collector/trader looking to keep all of your stuff mint for getting rid of in the future, dings and small drops don’t usually damage a yoyo beyond aesthetics. 5A on the other hand…
Most interestingly, I NEVER hit the floor with a New Expensive yoyo.
I will admit though, that Every time I get a New Expensive yoyo in the Mail… that my Wife Hits the Ceiling!
Haha… Yes, I think a lot of us can relate. I’m lucky to have the response to my yoyoing limited to this:
However, when I’m watching or listening to interviews I get some of this:
beat up yoyo are the best - it shows you are bonding
I am personally against violence toward yoyos. I like to keep mine as well as I can so the majority of the time when I play with them i throw inside over something soft to be sure I keep them away from any danger. Wile listening to a podcast so both of us can enjoy the time we spend together
Yes, belt buckles are the cause of most of my dinged yoyos. Need to stop wearing belts I guess.
You too, eh?
i’ll tuck my shirts under my belt to
help with this… i ain’t doing this for aesthetics
The first ding hurts the worst so you tend to notice it more. The main culprits for me anymore are my belt buckle, apple watch and somehow the clip on my pocket knife. I’ve smacked my watch hard enough to put quite a few scratches on the crystal and some good marks into the sides of the case. Maybe I need to start wrapping myself in bubble wrap before I play.
The industrial carpet over concrete at my work office is brutal also, I get lured into a sense of security by the carpet, but when a yoyo hits that floor it may not ding but it will definitely burn the ano good and can introduce some vibe. That tough carpet might as well be sandpaper, I wouldn’t be surprised if it would spark a titanium. I’ve quit taking bimetals to work for this exact reason. My home office is in the loft above my shop, and its a softer commercial carpet with thin padding over MDF and has some give. I haven’t managed to hurt a yoyo on that floor, yet.
Nothing more aesthetic than us fat guys tucking our shirts under our belts.
i am dying right now
especially if your like me and you wear the white ribbed style undershirts… it’s mighty perrty
edit: i just looked in the mirror just to see how absurd it looks… i look like someone that ‘thinks’ they are carrying a gun in their waistband
my main ‘spots’ are rug over laminate, or just laminate. i can get by pretty well on the rug if roomba has behaved… but i full power threw
my Project Y proto dead into the tile as i was walking through the kitchen… the results were negligible
if any vibe… and a “wtf was that?!!” from my wife
Same here. Maybe it’s because I use short string and I’m a bit tall. Every yoyo I’ve ever owned that ended up with a ding on it was because I always let other people throw my yoyos.
I usually carry a decoy Butterfly or Whip for that reason.