Why don't more people play/compete 2A-5A?

I wanted to learn the new styles because I thought the first few tricks are easy so It would be fun to learn. And it was!

I got bored of 1a and wanted to add
Spark. 0a2a3a4a5a here I come!

I list them on how good I am

1a 4a 5a 2a 3a

I love 2a and I am slowly progressing.

Have only learned 2 3a tricks because I haven’t bought to of the same throws, it’s hard with a NS and a PGM.

I’m on the road to 2a and 3a. Lately I’ve been yoyoing unresponsively with my left hand, and learning one handed mounts with my right. 5a just didn’t click for me, and I actually can land the Yoyo on the string for 4a, and I would like to learn more, but at the moment I’m more interested in 1a. It just grabs and holds my attention for a longer period of time right now. Plus, I can take it everywhere and Yoyo anywhere. Just my opinion, but I don’t think I could very easily do 4a at the grocery store. :stuck_out_tongue:

Everyone’s got their own reasons and motivations.

I’ve spent a lot of time grappling with that question. In the end I keep coming back to 1A because that’s where most of the freshest ideas still appear first and in their rawest form. It’s also my first language, as it were—and the language of exchange. It’s also the least sensitive to equipment changes and faults. And it’s also the easiest to just drop in my pocket and bring anywhere.