Why do you yoyo?

I really like how theres always something new to learn.

Its also convenient cuz you can yoyo almost anywhere.

Im also a generally competitive person so I like trying to improve quickly and compete in battles and soon, official contests.

Because it’s awesome

It looked epic to do tricks like rewind and mcbride rollercoaster and I wanted to be able to have a reply when old people said stuff like “you kids nowadays always on your phones don’t know how to have fun without batteries” I can say “really? I disagree.” And start showing them tricks way cooler than “walk the dog” and restore their faith in humanity. Also because it’s super fun and you meet tons of cool people, oh and because I am terrible at contact sports.

Not finding it “relaxing” lately… hahah! Frustrating myself with a few tricks I’m trying to learn. :wink:

I am more about that fist-pumping satisfaction at landing something, followed by the calmer yet ultimately more satisfying feeling of then working the trick into near-perfection.


It makes other people smile. Today at the mall, an elderly woman passed by and sort of watched me, but just kept going. A few moments later I hear, “excuse me,” from behind me and turn to see her there. “That looks awfully fun. May I try it?”

Gave her a very brief warning that the string was probably too long for her (but I didn’t bother giving her an explanation about unresponsive yoyos or anything… it would’ve seemed like an awful lot of information about a toy!) and proceeded to watch her throw down my Puffin 2 and (as expected) clang it into the ceramic tile. :wink: She apologized, but was smiling from it. I helped her try again and then she (admittedly, thankfully!) decided she was happy to just watch me show her one or two tricks, which I did. She walked away pretty happy. That’s good stuff right there!

It’s fun, I enjoy the challenge, it’s great to bust out during those lulls at family dinners/parties, and I enjoy hoarding shiny things XD



Who wants me to post?

Occasionally I find a song I want to throw to but it’s mostly because I enjoy hanging out with other throwers. That’s really the only time I throw anymore is at the local yoyo clubs or if I get a new throw.

Me ;D

Stress reliever. I ripped my only pair of contact lenses this morning and had to wear glasses which I hate. But then I picked up my yoyo and 5 minutes later I wasn’t mad anymore. It’s super weird. Kendama aggravates me but it’s also fun. Lol


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It’s far less noisy than a handgun and the distraction keeps me from breaking my promise to myself, to never kill again.

And… I don’t need a concealed carry permit, to pack a TiWalker.

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In haiku form:

Fits in a pocket
Wandering mind therapy
Batteries don’t die


Its fun, relaxing, and visually stimulating.



I yoyo because its meditation for me. I dont always need to do fancy hard tricks, just simply elegant movements bring me bliss. Trying new yoyos is also fun because each one has its unique personalities. Its also a challenge for me and is an outlet of creative energy.

Buying, selling, trading and playing with yoyos is fun. Yoyos are something I can enjoy at home that doesn’t involve sitting in front of a screen for hours. Since my occupation involves being at home sitting in front of a screen for hours it’s nice to have something right next to me that I can pick up to entertain myself instead of just continuing to sit behind the screen.