Why did YYE remove all reviews?!

Thrower Timmy buys it and is disappointed when it sucks at horizontals.

Timmy isnt very bright :laughing:

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You’re joking right? Nah man, go to a yoyo club or contest lmfao… there’s gonna be at least a hundred+ throws to try there. Nowhere did I say you had to spend thousands of dollars, I don’t know what mental gymnastics you did to get there. But yeah, I DO want the person I’m taking a recommendation from to have considerable time put into the hobby and experience with a wide variety and number of throws.

Tbh your questions come across as bait/trolling so this will probably be my last response to you… but if you’re genuinely wondering, Idk… thoroughly learning all the tricks on this site would probably be a good place to start I guess?

Many such cases on these forums

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Im surprised this thread is still going :rofl::rofl::rofl:.

Y’all, the fact that there is some reviews on yoyos on the website doesnt stop anyone from checking out video reviews or asking players they know, or if they live close to a club from going to the club.

Arguing that the review function is not worth it just because it isnt exactly gentry stein out there reviewing throws is silly. We know that, and I just like to see what others had to say about it.

Ive gotten tons if recommendations, some have paid off some that havent. None if the recommendations were bad and the ones I didnt like have only been personal taste.


I don’t have any clubs by me, cant travel to contests and i would have thought you would need more than 2 min apiece across dozens of throws to make an informed recommendation. Guess when ur a pro thats all you need…

How is it bait or trolling to ask you to clarify something you said? You said it, so i thought you had already given it thought. My mistake i guess

I think we’ve definitely reached an insurmountable hill, especially since you are resorting to not so thinly veiled insults. That’s unfortunate. It didn’t have to go there.

I’ll take my share of blame for that. I’m tapping out though. Especially since it’s a moot point given

I want to read all the reviews again.


I feel personally attacked. SMH


I agree with virtually everyhing you say, including this.

The problem is MEASURING those things. I’ve not been able to come up with a proper test to OBJECTIVELY measure how powerful or fast or stable a yoyo is.

And that’s where that subjectivety comes in to play. Like you can compare different yoyos all day. But if you play two and say yoyo A feels more powerful/fast/stable than yoyo B but another player (let’s say one at your same skill level) plays them both and claims the other way around? What’s objective about that?

The problem isn’t that those characteristics are not objectively available…it’s just that they’re almost impossible to measure. Which is why you’ll never find me saying “This yoyo IS fast” but rather…it “feels fast to me”.

I’d love to be able to present things as facts…and I try to do so as much as possible to other people when I can. But even something as simple as spintime…

When I test for spintime I do 3 throws as HARD as I can and then average out the times so I can kind of compare those against each other.
I make sure to do all throws as close to each other so I’m mostly in the same frame of health same kind of state…I try to eliminate as many factors as I can…and yet…

Most of the times I end up with spintimes between 1.5-2.5 minutes…and then one day I threw my iceberg and it spun for a full 10 minutes.

There are too many variables and subjective feelings to be really truly objective.

I do think it helps to have more experience in play. And I also think it’s important to verify against other throws where you can. But real objectivety beyond things like weight, size, density, weight distribution etc are almost impossible to really get down.


This has been a very interesting topic to read. Going back to the initial value of reviews on YYE, the main value of these types of review is general consumer consensus. With these types of review you want as much data as possible to give a more reliable average. These types of review are really just was the customer happy with their purchase. A 5 star review for a beginner plastic will not have the same meaning as a 5 star review on a high end bimetal.

Of course the sentiments behind these types of review can be misleading and potentially damaging for smaller boutique companies but they should always be taken with a pinch of salt as everyone has their own personal criteria for how they rate something.

Longer form reviews are where you need the experience and skill to provide a more reliable review and these types of review have their place outside of the simple ratings on web shops.

No matter what form reviews take, there is always some degree of value to be had. Its down to individuals to take from these what they will and whether they use it to impact a purchasing decision. At the end of the day if we like the look of something, probably going to get it anyway because you never know how long it will be available for.

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I beg to differ. The problem is an overabundance of options. I don’t buy a yoyo unless it’s very good read reviews to hopefully thwart hype and overrated throws. I have 3 yr experience and always do my research regardless of what I buy. With the steep price for yoyos these days, it’s a great thing to have

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Late to reply (I’m neck deep in preparation for Nationals). But there was a software shift and we are currently migrating the reviews to a new platform. So they are just temporarily not available! Coming again soon!


Ok, I totally understand. BTW, I still rep your old tricks and Plan D, etc.


All these posts talkin about reviews on yoyos being subjective as if every single thing thats ever been reviewed on the whole world wide web isn’t subjective. EVERYTHING is subjective. If a website sells items and people take the time to make a review…its gotta stay. Period. I know they didnt do it on purpose and are fixing it im just saying. Any body who comes here to buy a yoyo can throw a sleeper to see if its smooth. And most people can tell a premium product. Whether or not a beginner says a yoyo is the best yoyo ever bc its the only one theyve tried is irrelevant to whether or not reviews should be on here. Theres millions of those type of reviews on millions of products everywhere. If theres a spot here for reviews and someone takes the time to write one…its gotta stay.


And I want anyone writing food reviews to have an elegant palate and be well traveled and well versed on all things culinary. Are they? Pfff. Would it matter if they were? To some it would…others it wouldnt. Every product…everywhere…all subjective. Everyones opinion matters to someone even its only to themselves. If reviews are made…they gotta stay.

Just my 2 cents mane dont kill me lol


Personally, I like yoyo reviews that are one sentence or less.

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I like the one word reviews


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Me too, but im prob just self-centered :pensive:

ive been thinking ab the value of reviews lately, especially beginner reviews, like “I just learned trapeze and brother here’s what I think of my magicyoyo n11”, maybe even intermediate reviews from the perspective of an advanced player! SPENCE has a solid point in that a reviewer has to have a certain level of experience with hard tricks, a variety of yoyos, and expressing thoughts accurately to be accepted as “good”, which I agree with. when I started reviewing string, I was fairly inexperienced. Now that I’m more skilled and involved within the community, that feeling has somewhat gone away, but still lingers. I can admit that me reviewing as a beginner was the equivalent of a child running a 25 cent lemonade stand: the child is completely invested in it, and it may blossom into a love for the topic of business, but its less likely to be taken seriously with the context of age, price, etc. I think a balance has to be found between encouraging the reviewer to keep yoyoing, valuing their work, and being realistic when people prefer someone with experience. Even if you don’t care about beginner reviews, encouragement breeds happiness with the hobby and community, which I think we all want. I come from string reviews rather than yoyo reviews, and I’ve found that it is way more complicated and subjective than I expected. it’s not wise to claim that a review is objective, but I think it has value when someone expresses their opinion on something they enjoy to hopefully help others make a decision. that’s what I’ve always aimed to do, and I hope that comes across in every review. I’ve been meaning to rereview those “lemonade stand” reviews of mine with my new experience level, and I would’ve never gotten the joy of community if someone had told me they dont take my words seriously because of my skill level.

at the end of the day, the most accurate review will be the one made by the viewer if they buy the product. regardless of whether one listens to a review or not based on skill, level, it certainly does good to express ones feelings in a subjective review format. along with this, it’s important to never see reviews as an objective truth, but instead as one of many words in a bigger conversation about the cool yoyo or string or whatever that you want to buy :3


There is an error in here, being able to throw a sleeper is not enough to say if a yoyo is a good player or not, otherwise both a yoyofactory one and a clyw klondike are the same thing.

The yoyo is a toy made for tricks, hard or not is still a skill toy and is created to make tricks with it, both that you just have fun or you want to compete you will find yourself getting better and trying harder stuff.

Between a person that know how to just throw sideways and one that is able to do at least all intermediate tricks, there is a whole lot of margin of experience and difference, if I have to trust the review of someone between a beginner or an intermediate, I will for sure trust the intermediate cause we are reviewing a tool for make tricks and experience in playing is an important factor on this.

Same is with food or everything else, I will always trust someone that got a bit more experience on the topic than someone that just started.

Both can review and this is fine, I mean we live in a free world but it is relevant how many yoyo they tried. Is normal that a beginner will be excited to try his first metal yoyo and will be the best yoyo ever for it, a seasoned player is less excited as tried many models so can be much less unbiased by the “new thing”.

As you said everyone can review and is correct that them should stay, totally agree with this but we talking about quality here, the quality of the review from a seasoned player is more likely to be much better from a beginner and in yoyo (as every other skill oriented game) this is quite a fact as the seasoned player know a lot more mechanics, tricks, their basics are solid and well performed, tried more yoyos, develop a certain sensitivity on the topic.

We see quite many people here writing “my yoyo doesn’t work, it wobble” to discover that they are not really able to throw sideaway properly and this is why the yoyo vibe, does it mean that the yoyo is bad? No, it mean that the player that “review it” need more practicing

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The answer to “who should be able to write reviews” is anyone who bought the yo-yo. Personally, I’d much rather have a bunch of reviews of varying quality by people of different skill levels than only reviews by people who have met X and Y arbitrary qualification of skill or number of yo-yos played.

That’s because:
a) that reduces the likelihood of many yo-yos having 0 reviews so as a customer I have more info,
b) as an experienced yo-yoer I don’t think it’s hard to tell the quality of a review so I can pick out the useful info,
c) this stuff is meant to be fun and the community is meant to be a fun place to talk and share opinions. Writing reviews, even as a beginner, can be fun so gatekeeping that experience, while already being impossible to actually implement, is silly imo.

A better topic imo than the value of beginner reviews is how people can write better reviews themselves. Some basic points for people thinking of writing reviews: include a brief description of your skill and experience, include comparisons to other well known yo-yos, been learning a particular trick with your new throw? Then talk about the yo-yo in that context (high speed yo-yo did this a lot). There’s loads more ways you can improve your reviews ofc.


I was just saying that in a review all I need to know is if a yoyo is smooth and how the quality is. I can look at pics and specs to decide if its what i wanna use for horizontals or whatever. And how many yoyo’s someones played and/skill level is irrelevant…TO WHETHER THE REVIEWS SHOULD BE HERE OR NOT. It is however, relevant to someone making a good review.


Correct my dude…good reviews are written by experienced people. I agree.

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