Why did thin lube make my yoyo more responsive?

It can blow out grit if cleaning them regular way doesn’t work. Or it can dry faster after cleaning.
Personally I use acetone (100%, not to be confused with off the shelf nail polish remover which has additives) and then spin dry on a pencil, acetone seems to evaporate off faster than mineral spirits.
Though that may just be my perception and brain damage from the fumes.

In your case I think it’s just a matter of cleaning the lube off. So if you don’t have compressed air I wouldn’t sweat it and just let it dry normally.

@Sniffyo on twitter

Use a very small amount, let it dry, and use an air comoressor to blow the rest of the spirits

I’m curious what lube you were using.

@Sniffyo on twitter

This lube:

is it good?


The yyj lube definitely slows things down and makes things more responsive. Which some people like. For me it’s too thick.

Right now my favorites are the Monkeyfinger Gorrilius Lubricus which is super, super smooth, One Drop v4m which is very thin but smooths things out and quiets the bearing down, and the terrapin dry coating, which speeds things up.

@Sniffyo on twitter

I think I’m just going to not lube it after cleaning, and just play it dry.

I think that’s a good plan. The OD 10ball is very smooth even without lube.

@Sniffyo on twitter