I disagree.

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It’s a free market people, no one is forcing to buy anything. I personally own a couple of CLYWs and think they are the cat’s pajamas.

I also own some 2Sick throws and they are the tits…

Heck, my yoyo factory stuff is SAAAAAWEEEEEEET!

In a nutshell, buy what you want, like and can afford.

I’d love a $55,000 truck, but until then, my Silverado will do.

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I mean look it’s simple just like expensive watches its for people who have too much money and then they think oh my god why are yoyos so cheap that’s why they have made expensive yoyos for people like that who think that expensive is always good …its just in your mind that you have a 150 dollar yoyo and its better than other because they think that it so exclusive…

I’m thinking that what you just said is, ‘Just in your mind’.

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This whole yo-yo buying and pricing is very interesting to me. I usually put yo-yo buyers in certain categories. I’ll leave a few out, but these are the main ones that I find most people fit into:

  1. There are those who can afford whatever yo-yo they want, and they buy whatever they want, whenever they want, and they don’t consider the price too much.

  2. Then, there are those who can afford whatever they want, but there’s only so much they will spend on certain items, so they put spending limits and restrictions on themselves.

  3. There are those who can only afford to spend so much, so they buy what they want to, within those price constraints.

  4. There are also those who can only afford to spend so much, yet they spend above their means.

Yo-yos come in different shapes, sizes, weights, colors, made of various materials, and their prices also vary. No matter what buyer category you are in, there are a variety of great yo-yos for you to choose from. I think manufacturers make more expensive yo-yos for those who don’t mind paying the price to have them. Most manufacturers also offer less expensive options for others too.

So, this yo-yo buying and price thing is very thought provoking to me as well. I think others have answered this well enough, that the OP should:

  1. Buy what he wants;
  2. According to what he can afford.

People buy CLYW for the same reasons they buy anything else. Some like the look, some like the feel, some like the owner, some like the team, some like the marketing and the theme, some want to support Canada Yo-Yo, and some just like some of those things, or all of the above. The funny thing about it, is that any reason for me buying CLYW, will never be enough to convince anyone else to do it. And, that’s the way it should be. My personal reasons for buying the ones I have is mostly the look of them, and sometimes the feel on certain models.

If a person is smart enough to work the system, they can get around prices to a certain extent. They can buy solid colors, buy used, buy Fool’s Gold, or whatever they have to do to get what they want cheaper. There are plenty of people with a full CLYW collection, who bought them all second hand. It depends on how much you want them, what you are willing to spend, and if you don’t want to spend as much, how much time you want to spend looking for yo-yos at a discounted price.

So, the original question was “Why CLYW?” Why not? :-\



Can’t really get a more in-depth explanation than that…

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Just spend $20 on a pair of loopers, and learn to yoyo like a boss. Aluminum yoyos are for nerds.


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I guess I’m a nerd.

Dats cool with me

inb4 $300 negators

It is like that if its an expensive watch it doesn’t means that you have a time control watch that’s same with a throw its (just in your mind) the rareness and exclusiveness… if you can get a good throw in 50 70 dollars that might even perform better than the expensive one…

Moral of the story is that you only spend this much on a throw because
You kinda get a special feel for it but then I would say that
Its his preference he can afford it he can buy it but the topic started on performance I will still say that you spend this much on a throw only for its exclusiveness and rareness or even handmade special kinda feel
Its (Just in your mind) :+1::+1::+1::smiling_face::smiling_face::innocent::innocent:

except an $8000 watch is an objectively better piece of equipment than any sub $1000 watch

That’s debatable.

I bought one CLYW, and it snowballed, until it turned into a blizzard. :wink:

https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5558/14933181170_2b17bba0d8_c.jpgBlizzards by The TotalArtist, on Flickr


And then it became an Avalanche !! :wink:


Much rich. Very wow :’(

Save the best for last huh!! :slight_smile:

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Absolutely !! :wink:


Ebin meme :^) here’s my favorite <>< meme fish

Perfect timing on the punchline. :smiley: That last Avalanche is stunning, they are all great though. Great job collecting those! :o

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Now that I think of it, I don’t endorse CLYW at all. They sell out quickly enough already!