Why all the crazy prices for old throws?

Why do I keep seeing so many old Yoyos going for crazy amounts? I saw someone say a clairview station peak was worth $400 and maybe like 8-10 years ago you couldn’t get rid of them. The market was super flooded with second run peaks and it’s the same situation with anti-yo yoyos. Why are people paying so much for them still? The bapezilla was my first metal yoyo I bought in 2006 and has a nostalgic place in my heart but it’s not worth $400. The price on bape 2s is even crazier to me. I remember buying several of these for $40-50 and not liking them and getting rid of them. I got a sudo recently and thought this is what the bape 2 should have played like.

Just wanted to rant a little. It’s crazy to see these prices and makes me feel like I should sell all my old Yoyos because people are paying rediculous prices.


They are relatively rare. They are now fetching collector’s prices. Collectibility usually has nothing whatever to do with how “good” the thing is at what it was made to do. If there are buyers out there willing to pay $400, then that’s what the market will bear (at this time) and so that’s what they are “worth”.


i feel it. a bape isnt worth $400 because it’s priceless bro :two_hearts:


Just got rid of one of my Peaks!


This is what I do with my board games. When someone’s willing to pay 10x the original price, I think, well someone needs this a lot more than I need some cardboard that I’m not going to be using, and they’ll make better ones eventually for cheaper too.


Agreed—I checked in eBay the other day and I could not believe what they are asking for old throws. It is ridiculous.

Collectors set the market and deem what is worth a lot of money. Anti Yo is highly sought after by collectors, and as a result it has this trickle down effect and people end up thinking Anti Yos are worth a lot.


As a thought experiment, what is stopping you from doing exactly that?


interested :thinking: lol


We all agree. Just sell your throws bro


I think there’s a lot of nostalgia in the yoyo market right now. Probably having to do with the quarantine tbh.


@yomagic Yo killer…been a while!

Sold one of your raw Gambits recently. Been crazy going back through all the old stuff


I mean if you want to sell them at realistic prices feel free to message me, especially if you’ve got any of those old AntiYo :smirk: :grin:


There was never a point where Peaks (especially a Clareview Station) sat on a BST unsold. They were pretty easy to sell/trade.

That being said I think they’ve reached their selling “peak”.


Multiple members on the forums and I have butted heads on this, but I will never understand the infatuation that so many people have with old organic yoyos. Like the bape, like ilyy stuff.

I’d rather do actual yoyos tricks than spend all my time worrying about collecting. Especially if I was a beginner like some collectors are.

Don’t get me wrong, I like looking for cool fun yoyos, but like is said, I’ll never understand the old organic obsession many adult yoyoers have.
Alright, I’m done. Feel free to shoot me if you wish. I probably managed to annoy half the people on the forum again :smile:

(No hate on collectors)


This seems like another one of those false dichotomies that are super popular on this forum, but I’ll play along… what about those of us who have way more money than talent (or time)? Is it ok if we collect or is that bad? :thinking:


You don’t need crazy talent to learn to do advanced tricks. Don’t tell yourself that! :smile:

But yeah, y’all do whatever you want. Not saying it’s “bad” lol


It’s true that most older yoyos, like 10 years ago or more, are not as capable as current era throws, both in design or playability (with some exceptions: sleipnir, chief, and many others). Those oldies are still very capable, but they are not fully capable to meet today’s trend which tended to requires wider shape, very stable, and forgiving throw to perform speed, slack, and horizontal combos.

Older throws are imperfect, but that imperfection is exactly their charm.
We, especially who is yoyoing for >10 years love this nostalgic feeling. We appreciate the imperfection as we grow with it. That’s why many people willing to burn money for older throws they want. This feeling is like drug, it’s addicting (and expensive)… :drooling_face: :persevere:


ILYY stuff is actually amazing tho. Great performers. Their machining capabilities rival that of One Drop’s.


I totally get that. For example, I love some older yyf like the Avant Garde line. And some of the ones with hubstacks

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