Who's your fav thrower?

i agree and disagree with that…

tyler severance and jensen kimmit

John Ando,Harold Owens

1a: Andre, Hiroyuki Suzuki, Paul Dang, and Ann Connely
2a: Grant
3a: Hank
4a: Ben Conde, and John Narum
5a: Takeshi Matsuura, And Tyler Severance

Ann is one of my favs also

Paul Han

Zammy,Elephark,and Jensen (2011).

andre boulay

what!?!?!?! no andre! def. andre boulay!

andre is really awesome but i think he’s a favorite for too many people (he’s also one of mine) lol so that’s why i said that tomas is my fav

zach gormley

Ryan Perez.

Micky, augie and Tyler severance

Whip, Jensen, Sebby Brock, John Ando, Harold Owens