Whos your Fav Thrower?

Whos Your Favorite Thrower?

Sorry, but there’s actually a whole lot of different threads like this on the forum, just put in different words like “Favorite yoyoer?” and stuff like that.

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John Chow and Chris Fraser.

I like John’s new style. It flows a lot.

I like Chris’s speed and neck tricks. I especially like his Slurpee mug.

Jensen Kimmit, Yuuki Spencer, T-SEV

My favorite thrower is Tyler Severance by far.

T-Sev, Grant, Yuuki, Mickey, Miguel, Black, Eric Ngu, Koloski, Ando, David Leyva, Connor Swan, Tyler Rose, Shannon Jackson, Samad, Paolo, Josh Yee, Sterls, Julius, Hans, Ben Conde, Ben McPhee, Brian Figs, Jensen, Reed Smith, Chow, Fraiser, Dana, JonRob, Shima, Yukihiro Suzuki, Shinji, Patrick Mitchel, Patrick Bogerding, Zammy, Unkle Steve, Yuji Shimokawa Kelly and all the other Shaqler guys, Paul Han, Yath, Ernie, Stupendous, James Reed, Joseph Harris…

Lol I like a lot of yoyoers :stuck_out_tongue:

Fixed. Mines Jensen Kimmitt too.

Ryota Ogi :smiley:

Jensen Kimmitt.
Tyler Severance…

Brett Grimes by far.

I have to agree with Brett Grimes.


Ladies and Gentlemen…



Guy Wright

I like every yoyoer. They all inspire me so much…

coughJensencough ::slight_smile:

JonRob, MarkMont, and of course, LUI… YEI… CHENG!

Mark McBride! 'cause not only did he innovate 3A, he’s pretty much the coolest dude ever…