This can not be answered in anything buy opinion, the question should be something more along the lines of “Who are your top 10 favorite yoyoers”
In which case I would answer it like this:
(in no specific order, just who came to mind first)
Yuuki Spencer
Tyler Severance
Sterling Quinn
Mateusz Ganc
Augie Fash
Seth Peterson
Adam Brewster
Anthony Rojas
John Ando
Takahir Iizuka
Tyler severance
Guy Wright
Jensen Kimmit
Andre Boulay
Brett… (vguitars)
Jared… (starts with a v i think)
Sabastian brock
spiked skull (Idk his real name, but I think he stopped throwing)
Augie Fash
The question was my “top 10 throwers” so these people, I’ve met a couple of them, and talked over the internet with a couple, and a few might not be the best, but there pretty chill dudes.
In no particular order. Everyone who yoyos is in my top 10. Simply the fact that they are part of this community is wonderful. In my opinion, no yoyoer is “better” than another. We all yoyo. For example, some people like to just make a Duncan Butterfly go up and down. That is their niche, some people like contests, that is theirs.