who do u think the top 10 throwers are?

if this is a list of the best in the world as of the moment then this is what the results from 2010 worlds says on who is the top 10 best

1 KIMMITT Jensen Canada 73.93 22.25 96.18
2 SUZUKI Hiroyuki Japan 60.75 19.00 79.75
3 CHIA Christopher Singapore 60.53 17.75 78.28
4 SPENCER Yuuki USA 57.86 18.50 76.36
5 GANC Mateusz Poland 56.67 18.25 74.92
6 IIZUKA Takahiro Japan 56.14 18.25 74.39
7 ROJAS Anthony USA 54.32 16.00 70.32
8 KIDO Shinya Japan 52.10 16.25 68.35
9 WATANABE Kota Japan 53.18 15.00 68.18
10 KERBEL Paul Mexico 45.11 15.50 60.61

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John Chow
Kentaro Kimura
Shinji Saito
Adam Brewster
Luo Yo Cheng
Sebastian Brock
Eric Koloski


because I’m egotistical.

1.Jensen Kimmitt
2.Marcus Koh
3.Christopher Chia,
5.Vashek Kroutil
7.John Ando
8. Hyroyuki Suzuki
9.Shinya Kido
10. Krisztian Kaluzsa

In no real order:

Brad Moss, for an amazing style of play, and being one of my all around best friends.
Matt Marie, just because he’s a really chill dude, and is like an encyclopedia for yoyos.
Eric Tranton, just a really awesome asian.
Ed, kept me in the game with his video “New Adventures in Lo-Fi”
Alex Curfman, has some awesome tricks, and is hilarious.
John Chow, for an amazing skill set, I find me imitating his style more than anyone elses.
Jacob Lindgren, me and him come up with some crazy tricks together. He is my best friend, and keeps me going.
Hank Freeman, just has an amazing 3A skillset, that’s all I can say.
Drew Tetz, such a powerhouse. His tricks are insane.
And last but not least, you. For whatever reason you want to choose. You are one of my favorites.