Catch me there friends, US Nats gonna hit good.
What does that mean in ‘English’?
Man I know it’s been a while but I didn’t think it’s been THAT long since we’d had Nats
Frfr US Nats gon be lit bru
no cap
Pardon me, fellow gyroscopic string toy enthusiasts, I am writing to ye today to inquire whomst among ye have set aside the time in thine calendars to make the journey to Mesa, Arizona in the United States of America for the National Yo-Yo Contest in the year 2022?
I have taken much time and underwent great monetary expense to make such arrangements and shall be there, should ye wish to see me. I predict a jolly good time will be had by all.
You chimed in at such an opportune moment my good fellow.
I was just leaving Sherwood Forest when my IPhone 13 Pro made a little rattle.
Sat down for some venison tacos with Robin Hood and William(who said I’m not gonna)Tell.
We were sharing ribald stories of medieval times.
Back in the days before hip hop and nose rings.
Back when English was a much simpler situation.
I ran the post by Robin and he just said, ‘Ain’t no thang. Kirby jus be chillin and shouting out his peeps fo da sho down in the desert. Cool beans…
I didn’t understand that either.
If I’m not busy with work, I’m gonna try and make a trip out of it with my girl!
Just booked my flight and hotel!
Unfortunately……due to physical issues with age…so I will not be attending even though I made Phoenix my home once for 4 beautiful Salt River Valley tubing years in the desert!!
I’ll miss that…
Oh yes it will be fun times…….all enjoy!
I’ll be there.
If the face-covering requirement gets lifted I might make it out! Been thinking of making a MTB road trip out West this Summer and it would be cool to work a yoyo event into the schedule. Otherwise I look forward to competition vids!
I want to go, but I’d like for them to post an actual schedule (i.e. with times), rules, and open up registration before I book anything and the way things are looking by the time they do that flights will be more expensive than I’d like to spend
Maybe next year. Hopefully masking will be unnecessary by then! Have fun to all attending!
Wish i could go, its to far tho
This is too funny. Well, maybe not ‘too funny’. But funny nevertheless.
I have a yo-yo friend that lives 9 miles from Mesa Arizona.
We were chatting on Instant Messenger last night. I asked him, ‘Are you gonna make it to the 2022 Nats in Mesa next month’?
He said, ‘It depends on the price of gas’
Flight and hotel booked - I will have Mile High Yoyo Club swag for those who run into me including stickers and buttons and more!
I’m thinking of going as it’s about a 5 1/2 hour drive for me… Does anyone know if you have to pay to be a spectator by chance?
Contact Yoyoexpert directly.
Andre and Thad are running the Nats this year.
So…… best way to get answers is to ask the people that might have them.
#attn: Andre
How are there still no real announcements, especially when we need to give them money? I guess there’s at least a rough schedule now, but the lead up to nats has felt very silent. People were even wondering if it was cancelled.