Who was your inspiration?

Dale Oliver and the Spintastics Technic and TS4 got me interested in yo-yoing. I like his no frills/no hype approach. It seems to be about the skill and not about the gear for him. I like what the older guys can do with a basic $6 yo yo.

I started yoyoing in the mid 90’s. I was in 7th grade and it was a fad for about a year. Didnt touch a yoyo again until a little over a year ago when i saw Gentry’s wyyc routine. I didnt know yoyoing had come that far, had no idea what unresponsive was. I imediately wanted to start yoyoing again. If it wasnt for Gentry getting main stream media attention i would never even thought about picking up a yoyo. A year and a thousand dollars in yoyos later and i dont know how i lived without it.

Graeme Steller’s videos really got me into yo-yoing.

Zach Gormley for sure

not exactly a who, but i was inspired by a TV show called blazing teens, which was made by the yoyo company auldey.

Charles Haycock’s tricks are off the charts, and his attitude and perspective are super deep and amazing. Yoyoing is an art, an extension of yourself. That’s my inspiration.

My inspiration is Marcus Koh, I watched his 2nd place performance from 2012 WYYC. He is the definition of speed and tech combined.

I would say Steve Brown was the biggest inspiration for me.

I just figured if he could learn to yoyo anybody could learn to yoyo.

And he had a Mo-hawk haircut at the time.

And since my first name is Mo; I almost felt like we were related somehow.

And he was very helpful.

He was Always lending somebody a Free-hand.


Mickey was my initial idol I would say

There are a lot of people that inspire me, There are a lot of great players out there. Andre, Gentry, Zac, Tyler severance. Definitely give me inspiration.

My dad got ne my first yoyo when I was little, old duncan throw. I could do a lot of the fixed axel tricks and loops with it. I kind of forgot about it for a while and picked it back up after watching a few pros and amateurs on youtube, Paul Kerbel comes to mind. I said to myself, “Hey I used to yoyo a lot when I was little…” Things sure have changed, but I am enjoying 1A style a lot, and got a loop 1080 just for looping and a few other tricks.