Person that inspired you to yoyo?

Mine was just some random guy that did a yoyo show at a school once he was really good and any way thats what got me started.

Tyler Severance, Justin Weber, and JonRob.

I saw them yoyoing at the YoYoJoe’s opening party.

John Ando wearing glasses and skinny jeans.

Samad haha.
Saw him at scoo, I was totally un-impressed.

Oke rosgana
Saw him doing some promotion for auldey, and im hooked
And ander boulay
Here on yoyoexpert

I just decided to get into it.

Andre boulay.

Ross Pascual.

Adam Brewster

I love Doc pop’s style but I inspire me

my cousin which stopped. i would of quit but i saw andre rocking a dm and decided i wanted to be able to that stuff

mine would be Hiroyuki Suzuki and Augie Fash

Probly mickey in that video on the speedmaker page…inspired me to get hte speedmaker. :slight_smile: one of the best choices in my life!

andre boulay

My crazy friend, that told me that Double or Nothing is a “Master” trick.

mine were Mickey Grant Samad and Andre

I couldnt actually tell you who inspired me to begin yoyoing however. I recently watched a lot of Augie Fash and I would say he has inspired me to continue learning and get more serious.

Hiroyuki Suzuki is the one that got me interested into yoyoing during is 2008 AP Freestyle. But the one that inspired me to get to my level is:

  1. Andre Boulay- Without his tuts, I would have been another wannabe and would have given up.

  2. Jensen Kimmitt- Inspiring me with his interesting tricks.

  3. Guy Wright- No words needed.

  4. Shinya Kido- He has that great sidestyle.

  5. Hiroyuki Suzuki- Well, he got me interested and I like his yoyoing it’s entertaining.

  6. David Ung- Technical tricks with the perfect video angle.

  7. John Huber- Interestingly simple yet awesome tricks.

  8. Samad- He broke his wrist and like a trooper still yoyoed at the time.

  9. More…

I would probably not even be yo-yoing, if I did not watch the older version of Yomega mania,(I don’t think this version had Ooch in it, I think it had two hosts and someone by the name of Jennifer Baybrook, near the end of the movie.) and if I did not find the yo-yo tutorials of Andre showing how to do the tricks on youtube, I probably would not have found this website, or be yo-yoing.(I probably would have given up.)

I got a FAST 201 for my 12th birthday, and learned as much as I could from the trick book. Then, when I got an old DVD called “Cosmic Yo-yos Ultimate Trick Collection,” I was shocked with tricks like Boingy-boing and Suicide, which really inspired me to keep learning. Also, Mickey’s 2005 freestyle played another big part in making me want to learn.