Who have you inspired to yoyo?

Me? My dad, my best friend and two other friends

best friend and 2 other friends

When I watched Tomas Bubak’s EYYC video, that’s pretty much what inspired me.

Other than that, I would have to say my brother.

Brother, friend, and hopefully people on the street.

My Wife so far. Hopping my Daughter will pick it up in time… instead of just swinging a yoyo around.

Nobody. Just decided I wanted to do it, bought a couple, went from there.

Saw stuff on TV as a kid, can’t remember who, but thought it was cool.

Read again… who have YOU inspired. Not who inspired you.

The world.

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hehe if only the world knew us lol

a few of my close friends

When I got back into yoyos a year ago, two guys i worked with bought one or more yoyos after seeing me play…that’s happened a few times throughout my life…but nobody i know of that has kept it up.

Im not kidding

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Some of those people in my high school before I graduated. Though a majority of them are in the band group and it puzzled my mind as I never hung out with the band people and yet I’ve seen them throwing FHZs and Protostars. :open_mouth:

Got my friend to yoyo and he just learned his first advance trick, Wormhole.