Who was selling (new) No-Jive yoyos recently?

I purchased a new from parts No Jive yoyo a number of months ago. I cannot remember the seller’s name. He also makes beautiful engraved yoyos.

Can anyone refresh my 74 yo memory? :wink:

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Sounds like the no jives @edhaponik was selling awhile back

With new engraving, might be one from Ed at DLC


DLC is what I was thinking as well.

Yeah. Can confirm that Ed Davidson periodically sells new old stock no jives which he laser engraves or decorates w rhinestones. Whereas I recently sold about 60 or so no jobs which I put together from old parts. Those were not lasered in anyway.

Too many Eds selling the same yo-yo.


Thanks for the info. It is Ed Davidson I’m looking for. I am interested in having a few yoyo laser engraved to give as awards for a competition.
