Who wants in on an amazing project?

So I was watching Weird Al Yankovic’s movie UHF and had an a wonderful idea from one of the scenes which I found hilarious. I want to make a brail Rubix Cube for blind people. Anyone and everyone is welcome to help out on this project. If you have a 3d printer and cad experience even better. After we come up with a proper solution I want to try and solve it blindfolded! Here is the link to the scene:



Very nice!

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Amazing! I want one of these bad boys!


It is a great idea. I never thought of one until your post. I may get one for my grandma. She is nearly blind but doesnt know brail.


Yeah can’t believe you didn’t think it was already a thing.

They also have Rubix cubes with shapes drawn on the blocks for colorblind people, and ones where each of the colors each smell differently (like the yellow blocks smell like banana etc) for deaf people.


She would love it! Why aren’t more people putting this out! I want one just because a regular cube bores me! Brail cubes sounds like an adventure!

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I am a cave man stuck between a rock and a hard place! So of course I wouldn’t of known. Plus I am to lazy to look it up to see if exist already. What exist doesn’t really seem like it’s what I would want in a brail cube. Most seem to almost be there yet I feel like something in the cube is missing. I do not know what but I am sure I can hone in on it if I gave it a go!

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I giggle at this too!

Jake doesn’t need a cube that smells to solve it! Jake is deaf.

What about mute people wise guy? Did you ever think about there Rubix Cube needs?

Lol how the heck would a mute person solve a puzzle cube, they need their hands to talk!

Use your brain, kid…

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