Who wants a Severe 2010?

Well, you already have a Severe 2010, but I recommend getting a Skyline. They have a nice shape, undersized, Size C bearing, K-Pads, and Hubstacks. Their good in my preferences, they also play really fast. Recommend them. :wink:

I’m getting skyline the ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

every one wants a severe cmon this thread should be called who doesnt want a severe but then no one would post cause everyone wants one!

i do!!!

Like BuddhaFusion said, who doesn’t want one?


where did you get your severe 2010???

The 2010 Bay Area Classic Yoyo Championships.

you saw that!!! lucky!!!

You mean I was THERE.

whatever you are lucky!

Yes I am.

me!!! but I have to save up…

They’re awesome. It’s totally worth it. Also you HAVE to have it if you really like Tyler Severance, and he’s like your all time favorite yoyoer, no doubt.