Who needs hubstacks? Y-factor

This was mainly a test for sony vegas pro 10. Its wonderful editing software…just a pain in the nunchuck to render with…
Just some basic stuff

Video quality is amazing though…

awesome job! glad to see the oven survived this time too :wink: ;D ::slight_smile: ;D

Me-Who needs hubstacks… sweet maybe he’s giveing out some free hubstacks… oh, Its a video… :-\ good video though ;D

nice video. I also have Vegas 10, the speed of the rendering depends on how fast of a computer yours is.

So wait, are you actually grabbing the hub of the yoyo or letting the sides of the yoyo’s inner rim rest on your thumbs while spinning?

If you actually are grabbing the hubs major props for that. That takes some mad skill.

It’s actually a bunch of IRG’s. :wink:

Ahah! As i expected. still pretty cool. I was gonna make “Who needs Hubstacks: Protostar” But i was too lazy.