Who is your favorite yoyoer

Jensen. I firmly believe that JennyK is the best yoyoer this earth has had.




Why me, of course. I’m my favorite anything and everything. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: However, my favorites to watch are Andrew Bergen and Shu Takada. Bergen is like watching the ballet of yoyo, and Takada is like watching hip hop dancing of yoyo or something.


If I had to pick one, I would have to say @Markmont. I could watch him just flow for hours.


I really liked Connor Seals’ performance at nationals, and i like Gentry stein and evan nagao, but, i prefer the underdogs, Nate Daily (is that how you spell it?), and Connor Seals.


@JustJ have you watched Scales Collective on YouTube? Bergen is a member of Scales, and they often do live streams, where you can talk to him.

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I second this. I wouldn’t be throwing without this man. No one will ever erase the 2010 worlds from their brain if they were around back then. :fist:t2:


It makes me cry like every time I watch it.

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I dont really like watching others play yoyo very much but those who I do enjoy watching are:

Jensen Kimmitt
Charles Haycock
Nate from Let’s Talk Yoyo


Luo Yi Cheng
Jason Lee
Riota Ogi
Christopher Chia
Shinya Kido
Augie Fash
Riccardo Fraolini

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Nate and Connor are haaaaardly underdogs mate.

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dude I completely forgot about Connor, he’s perforce at bats was so hype, you cant hear it in the video but there was so much noise of fans yelling in person, lol I just love Connor :smiley:


My favorite yoyoers wouldn’t necessarily be called they best. They may not have won contests or even competed. They are the yoyoers that throw passion, you can see it in every move, you see it in their body language, in their facial expression. There is an energy about them that you can feel.


I’m not really into watching tournament players and rarely do. My favorite yoyoers are the ones I see post their videos right here on the forum.


one very underrated thrower is lozrezyocubing, his style is so sick, he’s defiantly my favorite thrower in the youth of yoyo

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a lot of the people on this board… and that i have developed genuine relationships with in the community… or will. my kiddo really… especially when he hits a ‘knuckle smasher’ or a ‘nad basher’, or we get a good laugh when i do. anyone that wants to authentically get someone else into throwing… especially the kids - it’s one of the cheapest hobbies you can introduce a kid to. non-nefarious people in the BST community. anyone that supports those that yo - to love the yoyoer, you must be a yoyoer (tell your finances and/or any available space otherwise).

further questions, let me know…


Yuuki Spencer…

…but what would Jensen Kimmitt, Mark Montgomery, and Jason Lee do? Their flows and tricks are always in the back of my mind whenever I pick up a yoyo. My favorites. They are the GOATs. Credit where credit is due. Where would Gentry be without Jens, for example?


Jason Lee? Isn’t it Harrison Lee?

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Jason lee and harrison lee are both yoyoers. If you do not know who Jason Lee is, you are doing yourself a disservice. Look up jason lee loyal on youtube.



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