Who else is tired of doing a BA trick and then getting asked to walk the dog

The yoyo is a simple toy. We had to go and complicate it. I have been asked that question many times. I just say that “we like to use a wider gap and ball bearings in our yoyos these days. We have to do this bind to put more string into the gap so the yoyo can be brought back.” I find I am constantly bringing a responsive or semi-responsive yoyo with me just for comparison purposes.

“walk the cat” is reverse spin of walk the dog… Hold the “leash” behind you like you are dragging a cat while the yoyo spins away from you. Saw john higby do this over ten years ago

You know what I don’t like is people who hate on us for yo’ing. Like today, I did kryptonite, white budda, and half of “and what” with what spin was left over. I was yo’ing at my kiosk in the mall. Some rude guy was walking by (not stopping at my kiosk) wearing camo tshirt, Jeans, and military type boots.
Guy: “you must have way to much time on your hands, you should get a real job!”
Me: “actually this is my hobbie. I would be yo-yo’ing even if I wasn’t here.”
Guy: " you know what my hobbie is? Fishing and hunting like a real man."
Me: “yea I tried those too but they lacked the artistic form and mental challenge that I needed!”
Me: " not really but if you want I can call security and have you escorted off the premises permanently. You walked by and insulted me. Not the other way around. I suggest you have a nice day."

The 2 girls that was with him grabbed him by the arm, apologized and they all walked away. I get this a lot in this mall due to Bass Pro Shop being up the hallway. I might have done this the wrong way, but Usually I ignore people like that. I’m in a spunky kinda mood today. I know this is not the true topic of this thread but the point I’m trying to make is on days like this, I absolutely wish that they would just ask me to walk the dog and avoid the bad vibes. (And I would walk the dog)

Some people are just very closed minded… Thankfully most people are pretty happy when they see people pulling off YoYo tricks.

Considering that darts, bowling, cup stacking and cupponk are considered sanctioned sports, and that stamp collection, coin collection and even knitting are considered hobbies, I think Mr. Macho needs to perhaps finish 4th grade and open up his mind a little bit.

I’m not against fireams and other weapons being considered sports or hobbies. It just ain’t my thing.

Conversation ends right there, just smile and nod. No need to try to argue against a drunk idiot. It’s not worth it.

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But you’d be well within reason to say, “Come back and talk to me when your beard is as manly as mine.” :slight_smile:

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!LOL! Where were you earlier today? I could’ve used you and that one. Thats funny.


haha I was with Kevin Nicholas today and he was doing some BA horizontal and some guy walks up and asks can you walk the dog, so he does on the grass and then binds and the guy goes no no no you have to get it straight back, (understandable he didn’t know about unresponsive yoyos) so Kevin explains about unresponsive yoyos and the guy just says thats stupid duncans rule and walks off. He also may have been under the influence of something not sure though


I love this. :slight_smile: Ten points for J-Rod.

J-rod is a meanie who freaks people out by throwing his code one across the room then telling people to kick it back.

although the second time is hilarious

Fixed that for you. :wink:

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Let me just get this straight…what does BA even mean? Badass?
Bleh, drunk people piss me off. It’s just like [lol, this is my 2nd time telling the same story] when I was at the casino with friends and I threw for a bit 'cause I don’t gamble. Then some drunk dude came up to me and said “Nice stuff going on there, but that will not get laid.”

cool stories here, keep em coming

Bad donkey. :smiley:

I know right?
J-Rod did that to me several times at NER.
As for walking the dog, if I’m over a hard surface, I do my best to do an extended arm grind across my arms, and explain about how walking the dog on concrete=no-no.

I think the Freehand MG would walk well on concrete… Anyone care to try?

this one has walked the dog, dragged the leash smashed the concrete works good still, one of my favorite all time yoyos. I had a better image of the damage but its doesn’t seem to be on my photobucket anymore.
http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5094/5421920152_a0eff93382.jpg http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5094/5421920152_a0eff93382.jpg

Earlier at the park, I was showing some kid (the same kid I ran into at the last softball game who told me to do the wiggle-waggle) some tricks I had been working on. Automatically changing the pace, I pulled out the Pro Z’s and tried walking 2 dogs (that he called “Lawn Mower” since I was on grass) and then decided to show him the classic “Dog Bite.” Dog Bite will always bring a laugh or two, a great, classic ‘ending trick’ before you leave the crowd.