Which one do you recommend for counter-weight play?

what yo-yo would you use for counter-weight play out of these: Misquito (maybe too responsive), Fireball (Sounds reasonable), Lyn Fury (maybe a bit too unresponsive).

Thank you.

Personally, I would go with a lyn fury. but you can use any yoyo (metal zero) for 5a

Mosquitoes are so, so, so light. Almost unplayable for me, I would recommend a Squirrel if you want to go that route. They have almost the exact same specs but are twenty grams heavier, which is perfect.

lyn fury most definitely

Some Duncan Yo-yos are made specially for counter-weight play. I think the Metal Zero comes with a counter-weight assuming you have one due to your sig.

I use the PGM because of the size but that’s my opinion so take a look at the Duncan selection and see if any of them suit you.

I think almost any yoyo can work. That being said, some are specially designed. The low endish ones have been listed, but if you’re rich…


Lyn Fury

Funny story about my metAl zero. I first had a mosquito but quicky grew out of it. I then bought a metal zero which did greatly increase my skills but it eventually threaded. I asked the forum what to do and it eventually ended up me sending my yoyo in to itchus. It was unrepairable but was generously replaced by. Him with a Lyn fury two fireballs and an agape and I couldt be more thankful

ps sorry for punctuation this was on my bros iPod lol

Exactly! I use mine for 5A only, its a great little yoyo for it and it won’t break the bank. In the end, its all about what you like, but out of the choices listed, I would say the Lyn.

Wasn’t the lyn fury used to win a title in 5A?

I used to use my Lyn Fury all the time for 5A. Takeshi Matsuura won the 5A world title with one in '08. :slight_smile:

If it’s too unresponsive, try adding a little oil to the bearing, or getting familiar with the “bind” maneuver. Setting up your yoyos for binding will allow also them to spin longer.
See the binding video here: http://yoyoexpert.com/learn/030-intermediate-bind-returns.html