I personally feel that both the Dark Magic and the Hitman are both on about the same field, just with a slightly different feel. I put a Konkave bearing in both of mine and play the Dark Magic with stock response, and it still has yet to let me down. As for my Hitman, I put YYJ silicone in it and it’ll hold up against pretty much anything I throw at it. I’ve also found that the type of string you use can make a world of difference in trying to get through those longer tricks. You may want to look into some thinner string. I use Brazilian Mondo string (type 10 100% poly) and it really makes a difference.
I added two other yo-yo’s on my first post. any statements on those two?
(zigma blaze zwei and speeder)
Going from a plastic to a metal really isn’t a matter here. As long as you can bind properly, you are good enough for any yoyo. I went from a SpeedMaker to an M1, and I’ve had no major problems. I say stick with your Velocity. It should be able to handle all the advanced tricks on this site. Remember tyou have to do the tricks, the yoyo won’t do them for you. If you keep on practicing with your Velocity you should be fine. If you want an upgrade, go ahead and get one, it won’t harm, but you don’t need it.
OK thnx hearing that really amkes me wanna keep my yo-yo till it brakes or till i wanna try something else
but i still wanna thnk all the others on giving me advice ,so when i do, i can pick the right yoyo