Which CLYW Chief is the "best" or the most recommended?

I’ve heard that there are multiple versions of the Chief. Could someone with adequate knowledge tell me how many there are, what they are, and how they play differently?

Which one is the one that most people say they “like”? I don’t want to accidentally get the wrong one. IF someone could enlighten me, that’d be awesome!

there have been over 13 runs of the Cheif.
There is a 7075 Cheif
There is a OG Cheif
There is the newer model Chiefs.
When someone says “I recommend the Cheif” I find they are usually referring to the newer runs. 7075 are going to be better if you like 7075, but are rarer. OG Chiefs are more common than 7075 ones, but IDK if something was off with the design or if they changed something.
I would recommend getting the regular, newer run cheifs. It’s not like the design has gotten worse.
I am not an expert on the subject so you might want to hear from some other people first.

I thought there are 3 versions of 6061 from 65 through 67g and then 1 7075?

The reason is I’m looking for specific colorways of the Chief, and I don’t know how many different versions of the Chief there are. I don’t mean “runs” of the Chief; I mean real differences in design, such as when someone says “Selling First Run Chief”, it’s a different design

Probably one is as good as the other. Minor variations. When you are in that price range people would scream loudly if something was bad. Apparently there’s been no public outcry.


There are a few diffrent weights of cheif. there are a few different materials.

They are all the “Cheif”
A OG Cheif will be a good yoyo
A 7075 Cheif will be a good yoyo
A 6065 Cheif will be a good yoyo
A 65g Cheif will be a good yoyo
A 67g Cheif will be a good yoyo

Thanks. Now I definitely know which one to get. ::slight_smile:

What we’re all saying is that there is NO appreciable difference. Get the colorway you like!!

The only difference you’ll ever really feel is the 7075 vs 6061. 7075 plays heavier and with more of a ping sound like you’d expect.