Which Atmos should I get

I’m looking for that “floaty”, true to organic experience. Not looking for the one that can accommodate a competing speed demon, I’m more of a cruise control type a guy. What yalls think?

  • Pomelo
  • Pomodoro
  • Noma
  • Butterball
0 voters

The floatiest of the bunch is Pomelo but she’s oversized. If that’s not your thing then steer clear.


I got a butterball if you’re interested. Very nice organic


Of that group I have the Butterball and the Pomodoro. They are both excellent throws if you’re interested in a modern organic, but Pomodoro definitely has a slightly more solid feel on the string. Pomodoro is a little easier to get tight pacing and redirections for me, whereas Butterball moves with a little less impact and is therefore a bit more “chill” feeling. I love them both, but I feel like I connected with the Butterball a little bit easier and more quickly. Pomodoro initially felt kind of “blah” at first to me, until I had more time to play with it and feel how it moves. It’s strength comes in how straight-forward it is. I haven’t played a Noma, but I imagine that one would be “floatier” than either since it’s so light.

EDIT: Also, one point in favor of the Butterball: It has way more satisfying binds and regens a lot easier than the Pomodoro IMO. Having a more traditional high-wall than the really deep “schmoove-step” of the Pomodoro makes the wind/unwind feel much more controlled. The bind of my Pomodoro have always felt on the verge of slippy to me, even with trying different strings/pads.


It’d be cool to pick up a Pomelo. It looks awesome. I like the oversized but I just got an Orange andI cant seem to figure out how to throw it haaha. I’ll throw a breakaway and it end up going straight down. Super weird, maybe I’m too amateur haaha. I’ve seen vids of people throwing it just fine, don’t know what I’m doing wrong.


Orange you got to play way more deliberate and slower than your probably used to. Once you adjust it’s really fun.

I never realized how big the pomelo was compared to the butterball

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How about a Tide?


I’m going to guess Pomelo is a bit easier to play. It’s large, but not gigantic.


dia 65.3mm
wid 54.96mm
weight 61.3g
material 7068 al

Orange is quite a bit larger

Orange Specifications:

89 grams
Diameter:78.00 mm
Width:68.00 mm

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Throwing the orange right mainly just takes slightly adjusting your throw, it does tend to do that though, but it’s just off the initial throw so it doesn’t affect anything else


Butterball seems to be calling me


Great choice!

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